Driving pet peeves

What's some pet peeves of yours? Not obvious acts like getting cut off or tailgating, it needs to be less obvious.

I'll start:
People who merge in front of trucks without providing at LEAST 5 car spaces of distance.

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  1. 2 years ago

    When homosexuals that aren't old enough to drive try to tell me why new cars are shit on DA.

  2. 2 years ago

    People that corner like this. Bunch of fat fricks too lazy to crank the wheel sufficiently

    • 2 years ago

      If I have the right of way and I need to move into the "incorrect" lane I'll corner however I want.

      • 2 years ago

        homie you'd fail your driving test if you did that in the car while they watch you go. It's the law. How much do you weigh? 300 lbs? 350?

        • 2 years ago

          140 lbs
          also obviously there is a time and place for breaking the law.

          Lmaoing at the life of someone who thinks THIS is the hill they should die on. At least lie about breaking some actually annoying law, not one that objectively improves the flow of traffic and prevents accidents at intersections.
          Low IQ as frick.
          Cope and seethe at the superiority of people who actually understand how driving and traffic works.

          If you're turning left a light and someone is waiting to turn right across from you OBVIOUSLY you don't want to cut over into the far away lane.

          But if nobody is coming/turning, then who gives a frick if I save myself a lane change? lmao

          I'll cede that people who turn into the wrong lane, only to put their turn signal on and get into the "correct" lane afterwards are dumb.

          • 2 years ago

            Do that in a double left and don't get surprised when you smack into the car who stayed in their correct lane the while time.
            >140 lbs
            >Fails basics of driving
            You must be a chink lol

          • 2 years ago

            >implying I ever suggested you should try this manuever in double turn lanes

            There's a time and a place for it numbskull
            Obviously you shouldn't do it in EVERY situation.

            But saying you shouldn't do it in ANY situation is equally moronic.

            Nah, white 6 foot 3 lanklet

          • 2 years ago

            >if nobody is coming/turning
            You're gonna frick up one of these days and get hit by the guy who turned right (while you turned left) without a signal. You'll be in his lane, and he'll hit you. And you'll be at fault.

            Orrr you could just use a tiny fraction of the traction your tires provide and turn the fricking corner properly.

          • 2 years ago

            Sorry motherfricker
            I didn't know blind people were out here driving on the street who can't say traffic in an intersection with them

            Your diabetes will be in prayers

      • 2 years ago

        Lmaoing at the life of someone who thinks THIS is the hill they should die on. At least lie about breaking some actually annoying law, not one that objectively improves the flow of traffic and prevents accidents at intersections.
        Low IQ as frick.
        Cope and seethe at the superiority of people who actually understand how driving and traffic works.

  3. 2 years ago

    -People who slow down to 5 mph to take a right-hand turn
    -when i accidentally burn the headliner with my cigarette
    -GM hose clamps
    -drivers who are too aggressive
    -drivers who aren't aggressive enough
    -brake dust on alloy wheels
    -black people
    -people with expired tags
    -how fragile CV boots are
    -tweakers at pick n pull
    -burnt out dash lights
    -hard to access oil filters
    -traffic enforcement cameras
    -speed bumps
    -automatic downshifting to 3rd when accelerating on the freeway
    -semis driving in the left lane
    -the lack of ethanol free gas stations near me

    • 2 years ago

      >-when i accidentally burn the headliner with my cigarette

    • 2 years ago

      >-when i accidentally burn the headliner with my cigarette
      Deserve it for being a moronic smoker. hopefully one day it starts a full fire that you dont get out of.
      SmokeBlack folk deserve the rope.

      • 2 years ago

        hello low-T zoomer conditioned by middle school health class

        • 2 years ago

          >Ooh yeah i love lining the pockets of the rich by destroying parts of my lungs.
          Hell if smoking at least had any benefits/uses (like alcohol or marijuana etc) at least i could kinda understand.
          But no its just adverse health effects due to your weak addicted brain and falling for "its cool to smoke" that was pushed into movies by the tobacco corporations.
          Literal subhuman intelligence, or are you gonna tell me that the smoking capital of the world South east asia is actually full of enlightened big brained individuals like yourself?

          • 2 years ago

            too long didnt read. cope and seethe while I enjoy my cigarillo

          • 2 years ago

            Too short (like your life will be) didn't read, cope and seethe while i enjoy being able to breathe
            (mine is better because it also rhymes, so just to inform you, you are now BTFO, too bad bro)

          • 2 years ago

            L + Ratio + Didn't ask

    • 2 years ago

      >-people with expired tags
      15 months and counting.

  4. 2 years ago

    People that freely drive with burnt out lights. Buy another bulb you cheap Black folk. One day years ago I was down to my last $6 before payday at a new job and I had a tail light burn out. I still went to the store to get that bulb since I didn't want to drive around like some cheap Black person or goofy Hispanic, both groups notorious for driving with missing/fricked up lights without a care in the world

    • 2 years ago

      >I only have $6 but a-at least I'm not POOR

      • 2 years ago

        The point was I kept my car in full working condition. Yeah that 36 hours until I got paid was so rough with my fridge full of food and tank with plenty of gas

  5. 2 years ago

    People who merge between when I’m pulling a trailer and trying to give adequate stopping distance between me and the vehicle in front of me
    People who immediately see a trailer and cut you off just to go slower
    moronic yuppies pulling their $90k boats in their $90k diesels weaving in and out of lane because they can’t drive in a straight line
    BMW drivers
    Mercedes drivers
    Chrysler drivers

  6. 2 years ago

    black drivers. either way too aggressive or literally going 10 under. not to mention their strange Black odor coming from their vehicles. cant even describe the smell it's just what black apartment complexes smell like

    • 2 years ago

      Grease. They smell like grease. They cover themselves in oil constantly on top of having weird body odor to begin with

      • 2 years ago

        is that what that smell is? always thought it was those nasty 89 cent cigars

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Yeah nigs have to coat themselves in lotion otherwise their dead skin comes off in big white crumbs like full body dandruff

    • 2 years ago

      I always figure the 10 under ones are fricked out of their minds on drugs. Usually goes hand in hand with the weed stink that's so foul I close my vents before I change lanes and dust them simply going the speed limit

      • 2 years ago

        yeah my black friends would do this whenever they bought weed not knowing that you can easily get pulled over for going 10 under as well

        • 2 years ago

          I try to tell people the best way to not get pulled over is to go 5 over. Blacks and Mexicans did not get the memo. It’s insane. You can pretty much always tell when they’re up to no good. White people on the other hand showed up to the meeting and will drive without a seatbelt going 5 over the speed limit and bumping music while they got 5 zips in the trunk

        • 2 years ago

          Per my other post cops also like to pull people over with missing lights and etc, combine that with driving too slow and being niggy riding on expired tabs/no insurance and they wonder why cops pull them over so often, kek

  7. 2 years ago

    pedestrians who don't cross when you stop for them
    STUPID ASS c**tS who cut off or overtake from the right lane, I can always tell when they're gonna do it from my rearview mirror, so predictable but these idiots probably feel cool

    • 2 years ago

      Gotta go fast

  8. 2 years ago

    Driving around women
    Driving around Black folk
    Driving around Mexicans
    Driving around California transplants
    Driving around New York transplants
    Driving in or anywhere near the city of Dallas

  9. 2 years ago

    gayhat tryhards in Mazdaspeed3s, BRZs, Hondas, WRXs and clapped out mid 90s Lexus barges trying to initiate races from the front in residential zones knowing their shit is too slow to line up then they turn off when we get to the blacktop

  10. 2 years ago

    My biggest one by far is dipshits who do not process the meaning of "slower traffic keep right"

    It's the speed limit is 65, and you're in the left lane doing 68-70mph, you need to absolutely move the frick over if someone is coming up behind you going faster. It literally doesn't matter if they're speeding, slower traffic keep right. If this law was properly followed half off midday traffic would disappear.

  11. 2 years ago

    When other "people" are on the road at the same time as me.
    Jesus christ just frick off, you are all moronic and i dont want you near me.

  12. 2 years ago

    >speed in slow lane: 90kmh
    >speed in fast lane: 91kmh
    what's the point in giving normalBlack folk 400hp cars if they're too afraid to go fast?

  13. 2 years ago

    >people who drop 10 under the limit because of a cop car or fixed speed camera. because obviously you're going to get a ticket for doing 70 in a 70 zone
    >people who are too scared to accelerate quickly but smoothly due to aforementioned cop and fixed speed camera
    >people who don't know how a zipper merge works and either mess up the previously perfect turn-taking, or speed up to stop people merging
    >people who get butthurt over people trying to use the whole merging lane and merging at the end
    >people who speed up on overtaking sections then slow down when it narrows back to a single lane
    >people who ride the brakes down a hill instead of just engine braking
    >people who approach a corner in an SUV or minivan and swerve/stray towards the outside of their lane as if they're driving an 18 wheeler
    >people who turn around a corner slower than a grampa moving around on a walking frame
    >people who don't speed up on the on-ramp to match highway traffic
    >people involved in a minor crash with still-operable vehicles that just block the road instead of moving to a side street and gathering info there
    >people that slam on the brakes when the lights turn yellow, despite it being extremely unsafe to do so and having plenty of time to make it
    seen some clips of people getting absolutely fricking rekt up the butthole when they slammed on the brakes at a yellow only for a truck or something to come ploughing into them from behind kek

    • 2 years ago

      ew i forgot

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