Good ridance, fuck all ev trannies and plebbitors

Good ridance, frick all ev trannies and plebbitors

CRIME Shirt $21.68

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >ICEtard still seething about EVs
    As usual.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do you hate America?

      • 2 years ago

        Striving to be the best is American as it gets.

      • 2 years ago

        Why would I hate a country I live in? Don't fellow Americans want fresh clean air to breathe instead of the nasty emissions being belched out by ICE powered vehicles? Electric vehicles and nuclear power plants would be super beneficial to American cities. This is Los Angeles, looks horrible with all the smog right? I live here and I have to breathe in this shit every single day. The pollution problem has been a thorn in LA's ass since the 1940s (probably before that) and not a single thing has changed since then. Only EVs will partially reduce this smog crisis and nuclear power plants will help tremendously.

        • 2 years ago

          >LA has the same exact geography as every city ever

          • 2 years ago

            My argument is that major cities like LA has a pollution problem and can be fixed by ridding ICE vehicles and nasty power plants and replace them with EVs and nuclear power plants. Take a look at NYC, then Chicago, then Houston... It's just as bad in those cities but less worse than LA.

          • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Well LA deserves to be nuked off the face of the planet. Easy way to remove the smog

        • 2 years ago

          This. If you love America, you should love electric cars. Electric cars use American energy with American infrastructure. They make cleaner air for the health of Americans.

          • 2 years ago

            I hate America

          • 2 years ago

            >non-American opinion
            Ah, it's worthless.

          • 2 years ago

            who are you quoting?

          • 2 years ago

            >Electric cars use American energy with American infrastructure.
            yeah, about that...

          • 2 years ago

            EVs charge when demand is lowest in the middle of the night, or supply is greatest in the middle of the day.
            The main thing that's talking about is extreme weather events which effect everyone, but EVs slightly less.

            If there's a storm coming that might knock out power I can make sure my EV is topped up before hand without taking it out of the garage.
            With a gas car you might have to fight a line at the gas station, and risk driving through bad conditions.

          • 2 years ago

            what's stopping one from hoarding a jerry can or two of gas before the storm?

          • 2 years ago

            Gasoline is extremely flammable and what's stopping it from losing a bit of its contents if it's going to evaporate

          • 2 years ago

            have you ever actually used a jerry can? and not those plastic pieces of shit, I mean the actual metal ones

          • 2 years ago

            EVs will charge 24/7, moron. Not everyone is a fricking automaton like you.

          • 2 years ago

            You've probably never owned an EV so you can't be expected to know. But even the cheapest BEVs don't come on immediately to charge when plugged in. They have a timer so they come on at a set time, and usually the default is one or two AM. Many people who own EVs buy slightly more premium charging boxes which expand that to buy electricity when the price is at its cheapest, and sometimes the price even goes negative.

            While its true that people may use public chargers at any hour of the day, that's a relatively small amount of EV charging, and isn't going to stand out when compared to other demand.
            Actually for public fast chargers that have a battery pack, they will be charging over a much longer time, but they also include support for buying electricity to charge that bank up when electricity is the cheapest.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, there are 275 Million cars in the USA. Replace every one of them with EV and they are all going to start charging at the same time. Yeah, thats not going to work. The electrical grid is shit, out dated and quite nearly maxed out as it is, without a couple hundred million electrical cars.

          • 2 years ago

            Oil refineries consume 3-5kwh of electricy for every gallon of fuel produced, and they consume that energy 24/7 with no regard to demand,as their power contracts are in monthly terms, with no regard for time...

            5kwh is enough to drive an average electric car 25 miles.

          • 2 years ago

            This is a common thing I notice amongst EVgays. That they say “it’s so much cheaper, just charge during low-demand hours!” It never clicks WHY those hours are low-demand; it’s because they’re the only person on their block charging their EV. What happens when everyone has an EV? It’s no longer ‘low-demand’ hours.

          • 2 years ago

            >275 Million cars in the USA. Replace every one of them with EV
            Instantly? Yes there might be a problems, but its actually less of a problem than all the houses and buildings with air conditioning. Its not that hard to shift EV demand when typical use patterns only require charging for 1-2 hours a day.
            Over the next 30 years? Its not really an issue at all, especially as BEVs become more efficient. Greater efficiency, means less draw on the grid.

            >The electrical grid is shit, out dated and quite nearly maxed out as it is,
            Yes, it needs to be upgraded anyway, but its not 'maxed out'. its optimized around typical needs because without a way to store energy it doesn't really make sense to generate way more electricity than you need.

            If ways to store grid energy get rolled out, (hint: BEVs are one) then it becomes easier to generate more clean energy either nuclear or hydroelectric base load or when supply of renewable energy is available, and shift it to when peak demand is.

            This is a common thing I notice amongst EVgays. That they say “it’s so much cheaper, just charge during low-demand hours!” It never clicks WHY those hours are low-demand; it’s because they’re the only person on their block charging their EV. What happens when everyone has an EV? It’s no longer ‘low-demand’ hours.

            >It never clicks WHY those hours are low-demand;
            Because even if everyone has an EV, that demand in the middle of the night is still not going to equal the demand in the middle of the day, and its an easier problem to solve than issues that arise when everybody today tries to go to the gas station at once.

          • 2 years ago

            I love America.
            I drive an American car.
            Powered by American gas.
            Propelled by a 305 cu V8.
            I refuse to ride in a car that finances Chinese mining.

        • 2 years ago

          LA will cease to exist soon. No water and they just turned down Poseidon Water's Desal plant because of muh hekkin environment. Water wars soon boys.

          • 2 years ago

            >Poseidon Water
            frick when will they become poseidon energy
            i want euclid's c-finder dammit, even if it's just glorified artillery

        • 2 years ago

          I'd wish to live in a country where people from LA are captured and deported back to LA so they can't shit the rest of the US, same thing with NY and Chicago. You Black folk created this hell, go live in there

        • 2 years ago

          Why does it look like there is a giant wizard standing on the top of the building on the right, holding a staff?

          • 2 years ago

            That's a crane.
            I do see how it looks like a wizard though.

    • 2 years ago

      Frick off Chang

    • 2 years ago

      Go home ling-ling.

    • 2 years ago

      >EV troony COPE continues

      • 2 years ago

        Its OVER! Tesla is FINISHED! Their cars are dead!

        Oh wait, its just a 2 minute update.

        • 2 years ago

          Update this, homosexual shill.

          • 2 years ago

            >some random screenshot
            Wow proof of something something

          • 2 years ago

            >no rebuttal
            Thought so.

    • 2 years ago

      back to /n/i/g/ger

  2. 2 years ago

    It's just the automotive version of that Oklahoma or wherever bill mandating vasectomies. I can really tell most of you are thirty something.

  3. 2 years ago

    unless free gas pumps are built alongside
    And who do these dumbass redneck politicians think is going to pay for that? Surely not the poor mom and pop petroleum companies

    • 2 years ago

      homie please, the government spends money on moronic bullshit all the time and just prints more money anyways. Suddenly, when it’s actually useful, the line is crossed?

      • 2 years ago

        While correct, that's not what these lawmakers are proposing. It would never matter regardless, because these mega corporations allot billions for buying off lawmakers to ensure something like that would never even be included in any legislation, such as this dogshit proposal in the OP. These people are legislating out of pure spite, because that's what plays well with a growing subset of traditionally conservative people who vote in today's political climate. It's asinine.

    • 2 years ago

      The point isnt to build more gas pumps. The point is to stop building more ev chargers.

  4. 2 years ago

    This is just moronic and wasting taxpayer money to destroy existing infrastructure. Just put a fee for use on the chargers and be done with it.

    • 2 years ago

      >my area got a bunch of free chargers at stores, apartment complexes, etc
      >recent influx of inner city youth due to affordable (see Section 8) housing built nearby
      >charges keep getting broken and overall vandalized by Black folk
      >cars plugged into the chargers get unplugged and people have even had super glue squirted into their charging ports
      If you live in an area and hear there's going to be "affordable housing" built nearby, sell your house, and fricking run.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, section 8 nukes communities.

        • 2 years ago

          Thank frick all the section 8 housing in my town is just poor old people. The renovation of poorer area's drove all the Black folk out.

          • 2 years ago

            There's some new section 8 housing popping up in this area so I quit my job and went back to school so my tax stub for last year says my income is right within the threshold, then I returned to my job this year with a raise and will be saving basically an extra 500 bucks a month for the year before the housing becomes unlivable.

      • 2 years ago

        That feel when we need more affordable housing in America as housing costs way outpace average income levels
        Then people who primarily live in affordable housing systems destroy the community

        How does Russia do it? They are one of the only places i've seen those huge apartment style buildings where people don't seem to constantly destroy their own community

        • 2 years ago

          Fewer Black folk, and the Black folk there get dealt with. Unlike in America where we encourage their Black person behavior.
          Look at the basketball sheboon whi tried to bring weed into Russia. She getting gulag.

        • 2 years ago

          >How does Russia do it?
          all the really stupid poor people die in the cold or of cirrhosis leaving only the actual community of reasonably intelligent people.

        • 2 years ago

          We don't need "affordable housing" we need a housing market that disincentivises treating housing as an "investment", remembers that people need homes to live in, and that it's not meant for Tommy boomers 6th rental property or Zhang to hide his profits from the CCP.

  5. 2 years ago

    >in 8 years they'll have to spend money to put them back when all major car companies stop selling ICE cars
    kek really cutting off your dick to spite your sister

    • 2 years ago

      The EV pipe dream will be dead by then. The politically forced EV thing is just economic warfare against oil-producing nations.

    • 2 years ago

      Won't happen, EV homosexual. Go pay for your chargers.

  6. 2 years ago

    A step in the right direction into getting rid of visual pollution, next one should be a crackdown on Black person tier wheels

  7. 2 years ago

    What a joke of a bill.

  8. 2 years ago

    You can't even have free air without some meth head fricking up the shrader

    • 2 years ago

      >free air
      carry a bike pump you weak useless homosexual

  9. 2 years ago

    Good, why should my tax money pay for someone else's energy?

  10. 2 years ago

    that's a moronic bill and shows why the government needs to be purged

  11. 2 years ago

    Of course it would be these moronic sacks of shti.

    • 2 years ago

      hello /news/!

  12. 2 years ago

    >how dare you get energy for free and I don't
    Conservatards are literal crabs.

    • 2 years ago

      >commie homosexual thinks his pipedream can work

    • 2 years ago

      >for free

  13. 2 years ago

    i dont understand this
    why they want to get read of free stuff with weirdness continuing with term that if petrol pumps are install beside, they will continue free charger

  14. 2 years ago

    Its just a ridiculous law meant to scare people away from installing charging. The reason why free public charging works for businesses is that EVs cost so much less to drive a mile than gas. For free L2 chargers, if people spend an hour plugged in they might get 5.6kWh, $.64 cents worth of electricity. By the kWh that's equivalent to 15% of a gallon, by cost that's 19%. Even rounding up, for a gas car that's going to be enough gas to maybe drive a mile or two.

    As a business for the letter of the law as written all I have to do to keep my free public L2 charger for customers is put out a coffee can that says "Charging $.01"
    For a hotel that includes overnight charging for guests, they could just offer a gas card on request for guests for the same amount, about $5.

    Honestly, its just stupid. If you have an electrical outlet for public use, do you have to tell people no if they want to plug something in now unless they pay?

  15. 2 years ago

    leftoids and right people should agree on this

    why would you subsidize luxury vehicles while the average person can't afford gas

    ridiculous, full approval

    I don't understand the end game of EVs, even if we solve fast charging and cost, batteries are wear items and will cost the user (avg american) a 20k replacement every 10 years.

    The used market will be destroyed and the middle and lower class won't be able to afford cars. Hydrogen could work, or hybrid batteries are at least much cheaper than full EV.

    head first into madness

    • 2 years ago

      are you implying that in 10 years half of cars produced aren't crashed?
      >while posting a video of a car crashing

      This is a common thing I notice amongst EVgays. That they say “it’s so much cheaper, just charge during low-demand hours!” It never clicks WHY those hours are low-demand; it’s because they’re the only person on their block charging their EV. What happens when everyone has an EV? It’s no longer ‘low-demand’ hours.

      TOU pricing can be rapid and flexible, meaning the overall price of electricity is cheaper for everyone, and like weather.

      In the future, electricity will be traded like crude oil is today.

      • 2 years ago

        and gas will be discarded into lakes to evaporate as was commonly done prior to engines designed to run on gas. cheap fuel for us old farts

      • 2 years ago

        >cars crashing

        who cares?

        even if that were true, a dealership replacement of prius batteries ($5K) or a tesla/BMW/etc EV ($25K+) is unimaginable for a regular person. These are companies that have scale, they just dont have an interest because their audiences can buy new.

        you can already see this happening. you can't even get a tesla battery replaced outside of a dealer, who will highball you the repair then sell you a new car.

        I like electric cars but don't get the endgame of full EV

        • 2 years ago

          The end game is that strong right to repair laws get passed.
          Require that when a company removes a battery pack from a car and reuses the cells, the owner of the car the battery pack came out of is compensated at a fair rate.
          Create standards that third-party replacement packs can meet for charging and safety so that individual companies do not have a monopoly.
          Ban the practice of denying fast charging to cars with third-party replacement packs.

          For short-range EVs that lack modern fast charging, this is already basically the standard which is why replacing a degraded 24kWh pack with a fresh 40kWh doesn't cost Leaf owners an arm and a leg.

          • 2 years ago

            >The end game is that strong right to repair laws get passed.
            Agree but nobody talks about this

            >Require that when a company removes a battery pack from a car and reuses the cells, the owner of the car the battery pack came out of is compensated at a fair rate.

            Where'd you get this idea? I'd like to see how much that compensates the cost, getting back $1k on a $25K, or, suppose a $9K battery is irrelevant no matter the scale. You would rather send your children out in the $2K immortal Camry.

            >Create standards that third-party replacement packs can meet for charging and safety so that individual companies do not have a monopoly.
            Standards can easily create monopolies although they are necessary. There are a dozen hybrid battery replacement options for toyota hybrids, you can even change battery chemistries and architectures (Prismatic to Cylindrical, Nickle Cad to Lithium). It's very hairy atm. I have a hybrid and replaced it myself.

            >Ban the practice of denying fast charging to cars with third-party replacement packs.

            Still don't see a way to do EV mandates without absolutely roasting the middle class and our kids

            posting thick lexus hybrid

          • 2 years ago

            >Where'd you get this idea?
            From the Leaf battery upgrade industry where paying the owner for their old pack is the common practice.
            The old pack gets taken out of the car, the casing gets used to make a new refurbished battery, and the old battery modules get placed into home energy storage solutions.
            Meanwhile the Leaf owner is then sold a third-party replacement battery for about $4000 with a little bit of hardware to make that larger battery work in their car.

            >I'd like to see how much that compensates the cost,
            EV batteries generally get replaced when they're at about 70% capacity.
            With batteries at $100 a kWh degraded 24kWh Leaf packs are worth about $1700.
            Everything included, a Leaf battery upgrade generally costs between $2500 and $3000.

            Still not cheap, but not world ending, especially for new EVs with packs expected to last longer than the life of the vehicle.
            Battery swaps are likely to go from a thing that people need to do, to something enthusiasts do to lighten their car, increase its power, or give it more range.

            >Still don't see a way to do EV mandates without absolutely roasting the middle class and our kids
            Short range BEVs are increasingly cheaper new than gas cars. PHEVs can be about the same or only a little more. Long range BEVs still come at a premium price.
            If newer cheaper batteries at higher densities continue to come to market those prices will continue to fall. LFP batteries already made sub $30k 60kWh cars possible.
            Next-generation dual chemistry packs like the ones being made by Our Next Energy could bring that down further.

            Remember the EV mandates are directed at the major automotive manufacturers, not the general public. Nobody is requiring everyone to buy new long range electric vehicles.
            As the percentage of new EVs sold increases, so will the supply of used EVs, and they will percolate out into the broader used market.

  16. 2 years ago

    Imagine that tomorrow every gas and diesel pump were replaced with an electric fast charger, and every car and truck were replaced by an electric car and truck.
    Think of the lines at the station even if you weren't recharging every 150 miles. Even if it's "only" 20 minutes to charge 80% or whatever. That'll still take forever waiting for a spot. What if someone wants to charge to 100% because they have a road trip?

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