If you drive faster than the posted speed limit then you have absolutely no right to lecture left lane campers about the law.

If you drive faster than the posted speed limit then you have absolutely no right to lecture left lane campers about the law. You are a hypocrite and I do not move for road bullies.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Left lane is for passing regardless of speed

    • 1 month ago

      Im talking about people who drive constantly over the limit. Most of the time they are camping the left lane too just faster. They have no right to complain.

      • 1 month ago

        Can ya read English, son?

        • 1 month ago

          Can you?

          • 1 month ago

            >speed limit precludes "keep right except to pass" laws
            >has no idea what following the flow of traffic means

          • 1 month ago

            >Still misses the point

          • 1 month ago

            >>has no idea what following the flow of traffic means
            Anon, I assure you no one is getting handed out tickets when the flow of traffic is above the speed limit

          • 1 month ago

            Literally nobody on the entire planet has ever gotten a speeding ticket for doing 5 over, especially on the highway/freeway. Pretty much everybody is doing 5-15 above on a regular basis.
            It's called the "spirit" of the law as opposed to the letter, which some anons don't understand.

          • 1 month ago

            >Pretty much everybody is doing 5-15 above on a regular basis.
            In Virginia you can get reckless driving for 15 over.

          • 1 month ago

            Wrong as always

          • 1 month ago

            That's still crazy.

          • 1 month ago

            They "can" charge you, but I imagine it's pretty context sensitive. I got lasered doing 22 over, because the road had just dropped to a 60mph speed limit, but the cop wrote it up as a "less than 10 over" as I was unironically just following traffic.
            Not everybody is always doing 15 over, but since there's that legal precedent of "well if it's less than 10 over it's not a big deal" lots of people are regularly going 8-9mph over on the highway.

          • 1 month ago

            Still how do you justify going 20 over on a freeway as "reckless" when speed limit of 55-65 is purely for fuel economy reasons

          • 1 month ago

            No one will give you a definitive answer. Stopping distance could be argued but that's also down to the driver not making sure to account for the distance between them and the vehicle in front of them. It's understood in many places that it's actually going slower than everybody else that's dangerous compared to everybody going 20 over and in a few of those places will ticket you for impeding the flow of traffic if you're traveling slower than anybody else

          • 1 month ago

            It also seems insane that "over 85" can be deemed reckless "regardless of the speed limit" when there are 80mph highways

          • 1 month ago

            It’s just that Virginia is extremely dumb about it.

          • 1 month ago

            I got hit with reckless and got my license suspended for 1 week for doing 90 mph on rt 3 in new jersey outside of giants stadium. At 1 am. Male judge had an earring in like a homosexual

          • 4 weeks ago

            >or in excess of 85 miles per hour regardless of the applicable maximum speed limit
            So if you're doing 15 over in a 70 zone you can get hit for reckless.

            Also if that's accurate they changed it, used to be over 80 no matter what, but that was Even more moronic because it was a holdover from when the max speed limit anywhere in VA was like 55 so you could get reckless for doing 10 over in some places after they raised them.
            >t. literally happened to me once, I hate it here

          • 1 month ago

            This is a daily occurrence in cuckstralia 3kmh over is enough to be pulled over fined and have license points (demerits) taken away

          • 1 month ago

            I mean, yeah it's literally a prison continent of undesirables.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I actually did once get a speeding ticket for 5 over on the highway but it got dismissed immediately kek

          • 1 month ago

            Speed limit is the basis of all other traffic laws.
            You are not allowed to exceed the speed limit because "following the flow of traffic".
            If a cop pulled you over for doing 80 and you said "but the people in front of me were doing 80 and the person behind me wanted to do 80", you'd still get a ticket and he'd call you an idiot.

          • 1 month ago

            >You are not allowed to exceed the speed limit because "following the flow of traffic".
            The drivers handbook begs to differ. Merging into fast traffic at the speed limit on your road test is a fail.

          • 1 month ago

            And you wouldn't fail for exceeding the speed limit? Really? Show me one driving instructor who would let the test subject speed lmfao.

            >Speed limit is the basis of all other traffic laws.
            >Source: My ass
            Not for you to determine or enforce

            It's for police to determine and enforce, which they do.

          • 1 month ago

            >It's for police to determine and enforce, which they do.
            But anon, they don't do anything about traffic flowing above the posted speed limit.

          • 1 month ago

            They do where I live. And so do the fixed speed cameras.
            Last time I checked no such fixed speed camera exists which takes into account the "flow of traffic".
            Nor are there any fixed cameras which police whether people are "illegally" in the left lane.

          • 1 month ago

            >They do where I live.
            Then let the process work and let traffic pass you.

          • 1 month ago

            Nah, I'll stay in the left lane because I'm crusing at the speed limit And it's too much effort to jump over every 30 seconds to pass someone going below the speed limit.
            In fact I can see someone up ahead that I'll need to pass soon, so I'm technically still passing.
            Keep seething and riding your brakes tho lmao kek

          • 1 month ago

            It has nothing to do with the speed limit. If you cared about the law or the distinction between right and wrong, you'd follow all the laws.

          • 1 month ago

            If he's speeding and you're impeding the left lane, you're still both in the wrong. 2 wrongs don't make a right anon

          • 1 month ago

            Is someone who smokes weed an equal level of criminal to someone who sells heroin to children?
            In this case and in the case of left lane hogging, one is better than the other.
            I'll let you decide. The statistics on speeding deaths are widely available.

          • 1 month ago

            You are causing much more danger left lane hogging, having to pass on the right causes lots of issues and increases proximity with other vehicles.

          • 1 month ago

            Prove it. Post statistics. Majority of road related deaths are due to speeding, if not from DUI.

          • 1 month ago

            I have to prove being logical? You shouldn’t have to prove anything for this as it is so painfully clear. If you left lane hog you are causing everybody behind you to bunch up and get closer than they should. Instead of people safely going around you 5-10 mph faster than you with plenty of room they are bumper to bumper waiting. It’s like nascar during restarts with too many people in one place instead of doing their own thing.

          • 1 month ago

            >having to pass on the right
            >having to pass

          • 4 weeks ago

            You can’t legally pass someone going the speed limit in the right or left lane

          • 1 month ago

            >I don't care if your wife is in labor I'M in line first REEEEEEEEEE
            Driving with a mental disability is also discouraged fir safety reasons, but here you are.

          • 1 month ago

            >wants to speed and risk killing his wife and unborn child
            Literally a Black person with no sense of potential risks and consequences for illegal behaviour.

          • 1 month ago

            You should be happy to let them speed them. The result is the same, you need to follow the law not impede the left lane.

          • 1 month ago

            >wants to speed and risk killing his wife and unborn child
            If your "concern" was genuine, you wouldn't be blocking them, because that is also dangerous to them. It is no your motivation for blocking traffic. You block the passing lane because you are an idiot who lacks anger management skills. That lack of anger management is why you haven't been hired to patrol traffic.

            Washing car is not illegal.

            >absolutely untrue
            Then enjoy arguing against fines from a fixed speed camera.

            Not my problem. They shouldn't be breaking the law.

            >Then enjoy arguing against fines from a fixed speed camera.

            >They do where I live.
            Then let the process work and let traffic pass you.

            >Then let the process work and let traffic pass you.

          • 1 month ago

            >You block the passing lane because you are an idiot who lacks anger management skills.
            Ironic coming from the speeder who camps the left lane and always expects it to be empty as if it's your own personal road kek.

          • 1 month ago

            >Ironic coming from the speeder who camps the left lane and always expects it to be empty as if it's your own personal road kek.

            >speeding left lane campers
            I prefer the right lane but buttholes like "Mr honorary undeputized traffic speed enforcer" here snarls up traffic for everyone. Speeders get off the road faster, I like that about them.

            >I prefer the right lane but buttholes like "Mr honorary undeputized traffic speed enforcer" here snarls up traffic for everyone. Speeders get off the road faster, I like that about them.

          • 1 month ago

            The frick are you talking about? You pass then get back in the right lane. Rinse and repeat

          • 1 month ago

            Why are we arguing with a busrider like you?

          • 1 month ago

            >And you wouldn't fail for exceeding the speed limit? Really? Show me one driving instructor who would let the test subject speed lmfao.

            I sped the entire time during my road test because I was going with the flow of traffic. Gee no wonder there's so many fricking busriders here or the select few that actually have licenses took 5 tries to get it.

            >Merging. When you're getting ready to merge, adjust your speed in the acceleration lane to the speed of the road you're merging on to. Activate your left turn signal and look for an entry space in the in the flow of traffic. Do not assume that vehicles on the other road will make space for you.

          • 1 month ago

            Does your driver's handbook also say to follow the posted speed limit signs?

          • 1 month ago

            No. It just says not following them is illegal. It still doesn't change the fact that not accelerating properly into traffic that's exceeding the speed limit is a big no no.

          • 1 month ago

            There you go. Now stop breaking the law you literal Black person.

          • 1 month ago

            Washing your car is "illegal". Most of your chinese cartoons are "illegal". There's obviously a difference between that and murder.

          • 1 month ago

            Washing car is not illegal.

            Because there is only one lane of travel and you are not in it

            >You are not allowed to exceed the speed limit because "following the flow of traffic".
            absolutely untrue

            Not of your concern, please leave the passing lane so I can return right

            Anyone with eyeballs can see the problem with left and center lane campers, nothing wrong with going a little fast. Pick a better hill to die on homosexual

            >absolutely untrue
            Then enjoy arguing against fines from a fixed speed camera.

            I have to prove being logical? You shouldn’t have to prove anything for this as it is so painfully clear. If you left lane hog you are causing everybody behind you to bunch up and get closer than they should. Instead of people safely going around you 5-10 mph faster than you with plenty of room they are bumper to bumper waiting. It’s like nascar during restarts with too many people in one place instead of doing their own thing.

            Not my problem. They shouldn't be breaking the law.

          • 1 month ago

            >fixed speed camera.
            Literally never seen one in my life. What miserable hellscape do you live in?

          • 1 month ago

            >Washing car is not illegal.
            Washing your car on the street or even in your driveway or garage is illegal in most cities.

          • 1 month ago

            >Speed limit is the basis of all other traffic laws.
            >Source: My ass
            Not for you to determine or enforce

          • 1 month ago

            Meanwhile in reality cops are chewing on donuts while cruising 80

            Shut the frick up and drive faster, if you're a scared little b***h turn in your license. Speed limits are too low in the US and neanderthals like you are impeding progress because you think the speed limit should never change? Why? BECAUSE DAS DA LAW DURRR as if laws can't ever change if people deem it necessary. It's an arbitrary number and is used for revenue collection. If you defend the speed limit you're a pawn of the zog and should have a nice day.

          • 1 month ago

            Cops are allowed to speed that doesn't mean you are
            Black person
            The real reason why speed limits will never increase is because dumb cattle such as yourself always speed and create massive amounts of revenue for the police
            So go frick yourself you moronic Black person

          • 1 month ago

            Cope, the post. Drive faster, 90% of people are speeding and don't get tickets.

            >Only my zog protectors are allowed to speed!
            have a nice day

            >It's an arbitrary number and is used for revenue collection.
            This. If you knowingly speed you're either a tool or a fool.
            You either:
            Get caught and give the government your money = Tool
            Or can't afford the fine and go to jail = Fool

            Secret option C:
            Neither happens.

            I've consistently been speeding atleast 10 over the limit since I've been driving, even near cops and I've never gotten a ticket or been pulled over because literally everyone else is doing the same thing and nobody gives a shit.

            have a nice day, bootlicker

          • 1 month ago

            >It's an arbitrary number and is used for revenue collection.
            This. If you knowingly speed you're either a tool or a fool.
            You either:
            Get caught and give the government your money = Tool
            Or can't afford the fine and go to jail = Fool

          • 1 month ago

            That’s a suggestion.
            And a shady method to make money for little counties.

          • 4 weeks ago

            My state specifically says you can ignore the speed limit temporarily when passing someone. Nice try, OP, but keep seething.

      • 1 month ago

        IF you're going 85 in a 65 then sure. I'll allow that.
        Otherwise go back into the right lane.

    • 1 month ago

      >regardless of speed
      That's not how it works. That sign means don't linger on the left lane below the speed limit. Speeding is still illegal. You're not impeding the left lane if you're going the speed limit. Unless there is an emergency vehicle behind you, especially with sirens on.
      On that topic, passing on opposing two lane roads is allowed if you there is a tractor or horse drawn carriage or whatever in front of you going 30 below the speed limit and you're able to pass them quickly and safely within the speed limit. When they say you're allowed to pass, it doesn't mean you can floor it and go up to 120mph into oncoming traffic to pass someone going the posted speed limit.

      • 1 month ago

        >You're not impeding the left lane if you're going the speed limit.
        that is not what impede means you moron

        • 1 month ago

          The sign isn't meant to imply that public roads are a race track. You can take it literally all you want, but the law doesn't consider "impeding" street racers an actual impediment to traffic flow. In fact, by slowing your unsafe ass down I'm saving everyone else from the congestion you will cause when you crash, so it would be a bigger impediment if I didn't block your street racing Black person ass from barelling into a family SUV and killing everyone.

          • 1 month ago

            >"impeding" street racers
            go to bed grandpa

          • 1 month ago

            If the flow of traffic is doing 75 and you are doing 65 you are being about as unsafe at driving at 85 since you are fricking up traffic. Doubly so if your ass is in the left lane.

          • 1 month ago

            No you don't get it - this one particular random person gets to decide the absolute maximum speed on the road (whether his speedometer is even correct notwithstanding). Every other person on the road actually doesn't count

          • 1 month ago

            I had a larger post and deleted the important part that addressed this. My bad. It boils down to what this anon said though

            No, it means pass or keep right. Speed is in fact irrelevent. Passing or not is what matters.
            If you are not in the far right lane and are not passing, then you are in the wrong every time

            You are not passing in a passing lane and by definition, wrong

            Again we trot out the 'not touching yooooooouu' example from childhood, point being the one who ''''wasnt touching'''' got beat, not the kid who snapped.
            Right or wrong, and frick em, but when you camp in a passing lane, you absoletly encourage unsafe passing, underpassing, tailgating, weaving, and all manners of agressive behavior.
            If you need a thrill, go standin a buysy doorway if you're brave enough outsitde your cage, but do not clog a passing lane

            >Passing or not is what matters.
            So if you're caught up in the middle of a street race, then you can't legally pass and must stay on the right lane. You're right about that.
            But if you're in a 55 and the guy on the right is doing 54, then you can go 55 until you pass him. Once you've safely passed, you have to move out of the left lane.

          • 1 month ago

            >guy on the right is doing 54, then you can go 55
            you are actual fricking scum. Why are you even on the road? Take the bus you are just a massive inconvenience to everyone around you

          • 1 month ago

            Don't blame the player, blame the game. Kill your local cop or politican or something. Well, write a couple of letters first kindly asking them to increase the speed limits if you don't like it.

          • 1 month ago

            That’s why you generally get 5-10 over

          • 1 month ago

            Have you ever heard the phrase "actions speak louder than words"?

          • 1 month ago

            >write a couple of letters first kindly asking them to increase the speed limits if you don't like it.
            They are already not enforcing the speed limit. Only boomers slow down when a cop is also on the road.

          • 1 month ago

            Speed limits are for subhumans who can't self govern and can't figure out the safest speed for any given road, it's common demononater bullshit and you should be thankful those of us who don't need them don't run your off the road and eat your flesh.
            I'm going to go faster than you, I am going to pass, then I'm gonna keep right until I find the next person it feels right to pass, and you're not gonna die because I did that. It's called traffic flow.

            If this country could exercise lane discipline, we wouldn't need speed limits at all

          • 1 month ago

            Based video, middle lane campers seething that they're just left lane campers.

          • 1 month ago

            >But if you're in a 55 and the guy on the right is doing 54, then you can go 55 until you pass him.
            no fricking wonder it's a nightmare to drive since 2020, holy frick

          • 4 weeks ago

            You are the absolute worst person to be behind on the highway, legitimately kys homosexual

          • 4 weeks ago

            Based. Doing gods work. Speeders don’t have the right to move law Abiders out of the way

      • 1 month ago

        No, it means pass or keep right. Speed is in fact irrelevent. Passing or not is what matters.
        If you are not in the far right lane and are not passing, then you are in the wrong every time

        >You're not impeding the left lane if you're going the speed limit.
        that is not what impede means you moron

        You are not passing in a passing lane and by definition, wrong

        >"impeding" street racers
        go to bed grandpa

        Again we trot out the 'not touching yooooooouu' example from childhood, point being the one who ''''wasnt touching'''' got beat, not the kid who snapped.
        Right or wrong, and frick em, but when you camp in a passing lane, you absoletly encourage unsafe passing, underpassing, tailgating, weaving, and all manners of agressive behavior.
        If you need a thrill, go standin a buysy doorway if you're brave enough outsitde your cage, but do not clog a passing lane

        • 1 month ago

          >No, it means pass or keep right. Speed is in fact irrelevent. Passing or not is what matters.
          So it's then legal to go twice the posted speed limit to pass someone?

    • 1 month ago

      Why would that law take precedence over the speed limit

      • 1 month ago

        Passing on the right is more dangerous than exceeding the speed limit.

      • 1 month ago

        >Why would that law take precedence over the speed limit
        You don't get to decide traffic enforcement, allow the correct people to do their job.

        • 1 month ago

          Passing on the right is more dangerous than exceeding the speed limit.

          Don't pass on the right then. Also post source

          • 1 month ago

            >Also post source
            Source for what? The existence of police officers? Or how you aren't allowed to take their job on a whim?

          • 1 month ago

            Don’t obstruct the designated passing lane then

          • 1 month ago

            >Don't pass on the right then.
            How would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast this morning?

        • 1 month ago

          Exactly, so don't assume the guy in front of you is doing anything illegal

          • 1 month ago

            >Exactly, so don't assume the guy in front of you is doing anything illegal
            Nor is the guy riding your ass. But you two lovers sure make for bad traffic just because you won't move out of other people's way.
            Stop boomerizing traffic.

        • 1 month ago

          Ironic you say this.

          • 1 month ago

            >Ironic you say this.
            Care to elaborate or are you just using words to have fun?

          • 1 month ago

            >left lane is for passing *regardless* of speed
            >You don't get to decide traffic enforcement, allow the correct people to do their job
            If you can't see the irony then you're probably too stupid to be legally allowed behind the wheel of a car.

      • 1 month ago

        Because there is only one lane of travel and you are not in it

        Speed limit is the basis of all other traffic laws.
        You are not allowed to exceed the speed limit because "following the flow of traffic".
        If a cop pulled you over for doing 80 and you said "but the people in front of me were doing 80 and the person behind me wanted to do 80", you'd still get a ticket and he'd call you an idiot.

        >You are not allowed to exceed the speed limit because "following the flow of traffic".
        absolutely untrue

        >No, it means pass or keep right. Speed is in fact irrelevent. Passing or not is what matters.
        So it's then legal to go twice the posted speed limit to pass someone?

        Not of your concern, please leave the passing lane so I can return right

        >left lane is for passing *regardless* of speed
        >You don't get to decide traffic enforcement, allow the correct people to do their job
        If you can't see the irony then you're probably too stupid to be legally allowed behind the wheel of a car.

        Anyone with eyeballs can see the problem with left and center lane campers, nothing wrong with going a little fast. Pick a better hill to die on homosexual

    • 1 month ago

      And the assumption is that the traffic being passed is going under the speed limit.

      • 1 month ago

        That is not your job or place to determine.

        • 1 month ago

          It's the law.
          If I'm passing someone in the left lane while doing the speed limit I'm not moving over because some Black person in a stolen hellcat is flying up behind me.

          • 1 month ago

            >It's the law.
            Go ahead and follow all the laws, slower traffic that isn't keeping right.

          • 1 month ago

            I shall follow the law
            You are speeding up behind me recklessly and my life feels threatened so I am legally in the right to shoot to kill in an act of self defence

          • 1 month ago

            you won't do shit b***h
            well except seethe in threads like this

    • 1 month ago

      Red: Speed governor set 55mph
      Yellow: Governor 60
      Green: Governor 65

      you're welcome


    • 4 weeks ago

      That's not true whatsoever idiot
      If you cant pass doing the speed limit, then you can't pass at all
      It's a speed LIMIT, not a speed suggestion

  2. 1 month ago

    studies show that people who camp in the left lane are pedophiles

    • 1 month ago

      how did you know??? also im trans btw
      >t. op

      • 1 month ago

        >how did you know???
        the studies

    • 1 month ago

      how did you know??? also im trans btw
      >t. op

      >how did you know???
      the studies

      Stay mad and stay behind me, turbo nerds.

      • 1 month ago

        >passes you on the right
        nothing personnel

        • 1 month ago

          I do because you are either passing or you are not, speed is irrelevant, that's why civilized states have signs like this to remind you.
          Everyone has their own idea of fast enough, that's the problem. With this you're either right or wrong, passing or not

          Usually only do that when I'm in the right lane to begin with passing on the right is very dangerous.
          Passed a semi in the center passing lane on the left, but just caught a glimpse of a dude going to pass the semi on the right. I have a light of sight to my intended lane, right lane passer doesnt
          He absoltely jumped right in front of that semi with me halfway into the lane with my signal on. Had I not expected that, itwould have been a wreck in front of a semi.
          Out of the three of us, only I was changing lanes properly.


          Can you?

          76 is posted at 45mph and doing that makes you a great danger to yourself and everyone else. Probably should be reposted, but tha'ts not the point

      • 1 month ago

        keep raping kids and making people mad I guess

  3. 1 month ago

    >you have absolutely no right to lecture left lane campers about the law

    The law literally states you cannot block traffic in the left lane, speed doesn't matter, dumbass

    • 1 month ago

      You're missing the point. The people who complain are speeding and camping the lane too not just to pass. They just lecture others because they got inconvenienced and can't see that they break the law consistently too.

      • 1 month ago

        >You're missing the point.

        I'm not missing the point, you don't understand the point BLOCKING traffic is illegal.

        • 1 month ago

          Post one example of someone ever being fined for "blocking" traffic which is exceeding the speed limit
          And no, emergency vehicles flashing their lisirens don't count

  4. 1 month ago

    >left lane campers
    I had a guy camping the left lane, with no cars in front of him for at least a mile or two, brake check me when I unintentionally tailgated him waiting to pass traffic in the center lane going slower than us both. Flipped him off when I passed him on the right and I watched him ape out in my rear view mirror throwing hand signals to pull over and flashing his brights. Even began to follow me for a while and kept following me after exiting until I took a route specifically to annoy him and he broke off. I wonder how his girlfriend in the passenger seat was feeling

    • 4 weeks ago

      Is this how people drive every day in burgerland?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Probably. I think that guy was looking for an ego check. Obviously it's usually the victim of brake checking that would get disgruntled and try to follow the driver who brake checked them. Not the other way around. Suffice to say I was grinning the whole time that spastic was tailing me. I planned on calling the police if he continued to follow me any further. I kept thinking about, "what if I was crazy and I had a gun, and he's thinking it's a great idea to try and get me to pull over". I mean, I have a gun, but I'm not going to pull over for some road rager unless I have no choice. The dude was an obese bugman, so I'm not sure what outcome he was expecting acting so tough

        • 4 weeks ago

          Next time you're being followed drive directly to a police station.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That was among my plans

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's the way of the road bud. You better be prepared to lay down your life for your convictions.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >when I unintentionally tailgated him
      Stopped reading. I presume the rest of your drivel is you trying to play victim?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Stopped reading
        We know reading is hard for you, anon, you ignored all of the "slower traffic keep right" signs

        • 4 weeks ago

          And yet you ignoring the "keep a safe following distance" intuition just wasn't your fault right darkie? You dindu nuffin.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >dindu nuffin
            Oh yeah, I'm so tough, waiting for the opportunity to pass some fat moron who thinks I'm trying to tailgate him for miles. Benchracer

          • 4 weeks ago

            >why does he think im trying to tailgate?
            Your lack of accountability sure is black

          • 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      >I wonder how his girlfriend in the passenger seat was feeling
      90% of the time I see someone driving like a moronic babydick, they're trying to impress their girlfriend

      we need to talk about the simp question (SQ)

      And yet you ignoring the "keep a safe following distance" intuition just wasn't your fault right darkie? You dindu nuffin.

      not that poster, and I hate reckless drivers, but you can't "keep a safe following distance" when someone is blocking traffic in the passing lane. they create a bottleneck and have to be pressured out of the lane or you'll have a situation with a block of 10 cars traveling parallel to each other, agitated, at 70+mph. passing on the right is also dangerous. blocking a passing lane is far more dangerous than accidentally tailgating and it affects the whole flow of traffic for miles

      • 4 weeks ago

        >you can't keep a safe following distance" when someone is blocking traffic in the passing lane.
        Yes you can, and have a responsibility to you and your car to do so.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I do, I told you I'm a safe driver. when someone is incorrectly blocking traffic in the passing lane, I'll pull into the slow lane and just keep a huge distance until someone inevitably rages and pushes the traffic blocker out of the lane and it finally clears up.

          but up until that point, the longer it goes on, the more cars are going to be in the bottleneck. it's not unreasonable to put pressure on the boomer not paying attention in the fast lane by reminding them that you're trying to pass by accelerating occasionally or honking

          you're just wrong in your risk assessment. I have hundreds of thousands of miles in different cities over the past few years and I know where the problems in traffic lie.

          >blocking traffic = increased vectors of risk for everyone in the surrounding area due to the inability of anyone to safely pass and clear the area.
          >tailgating a traffic blocker = fewer vectors of risk, lower chance of accident once they finally get over

          no one can be a safe driver in a traffic bottleneck, even pulling to the side won't save you unless you stay far back. you might crash into them if they brake check you, if you consider this risk you can strategically speed up behind them to remind them you're trying to pass and then back off. blocking traffic justifies tailgating and it's safer to tailgate temporarily to clear the situation, if you're willing to take the temporary risk (its better to let others do it for you though)

          • 4 weeks ago

            Causing a rear-end accident by tailgating fricks up traffic incredibly more than both of the scenarios in your head. Simple as.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >brake check because your ego is bruised while you camp in the left lane
            >if it causes an accident, it's the other driver's fault, even if them "tailgating" you for less than a minute was waiting for traffic on the right to clear so they could get over and around you as fast as possible
            and I'm the dindu?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I told you you're wrong because you're wrong, as your low effort dismissals show. "tailgating" is a loaded term, what's dangerous is cars in close proximity that don't have the ability to create space around them.

            tailgating is dangerous because it creates this situation for the person in front of you (you're limiting their ability to brake safely). blocking traffic creates this effect, limiting EVERYONE'S ability to pass, brake, or even change lanes after a certain point, and it gets worse the longer it goes on (which would be indefinitely if you had your way)

            you seem emotionally committed to the idea that "tailgating" (which means whatever you say it does I'm sure) is always 100% wrong. but you don't understand real world driving, and your theory of safe driving suffers for it. I think your point would be better made by saying I REALLY DON'T LIKE WHEN I'M TAILGATED.

            Notice how you need all this extra filler to bolster your belief that tailgating is acceptable behavior in the face of you not having enough patience while operating a motor vehicle.
            >yes you are the dindu

          • 4 weeks ago

            no sorry. I had to thoroughly debunk your lies for the safety of the DA Community.

            remember kids, defensive driving 101:
            >SPACE = SAFE

          • 4 weeks ago

            Sounds about black

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I brake check because my ego is bruised when people are trying to pass me when I'm hogging the left lane
            >I'm not a dindu I'm not a dindu I'm not a dindu I'm not a dindu

          • 4 weeks ago

            I told you you're wrong because you're wrong, as your low effort dismissals show. "tailgating" is a loaded term, what's dangerous is cars in close proximity that don't have the ability to create space around them.

            tailgating is dangerous because it creates this situation for the person in front of you (you're limiting their ability to brake safely). blocking traffic creates this effect, limiting EVERYONE'S ability to pass, brake, or even change lanes after a certain point, and it gets worse the longer it goes on (which would be indefinitely if you had your way)

            you seem emotionally committed to the idea that "tailgating" (which means whatever you say it does I'm sure) is always 100% wrong. but you don't understand real world driving, and your theory of safe driving suffers for it. I think your point would be better made by saying I REALLY DON'T LIKE WHEN I'M TAILGATED.

  5. 1 month ago

    Low quality bait. Slow day on reddit?

  6. 1 month ago

    Get the frick out of the left lane, moron.

  7. 1 month ago

    Imagine being a dork that doesn't just drive 85 even when everyone else is and actually drives 20 slower than traffic

  8. 1 month ago

    >others do wrong
    >therefore I will continue doing wrong too
    Why are nonwhites allowed to post here?

  9. 1 month ago

    I'm a little sad if I can't hit 100mph on my morning commute

  10. 1 month ago

    This thread is actually hilarious though.
    OP was talking about how people who speed also camp the left lane and believe their version of left lane camping is justified.
    Now there's a bunch of speeding left lane campers seething because they are the exact same as the left lane campers they despise so much.
    Whether you're doing 50 or 65, left lane camping is still left lane camping.

    Now seethe!

    • 1 month ago

      >speeding left lane campers
      I prefer the right lane but buttholes like "Mr honorary undeputized traffic speed enforcer" here snarls up traffic for everyone. Speeders get off the road faster, I like that about them.

    • 1 month ago

      I have driven from Washington to Ohio twice in my life. It's a 36 hour drive normally, and probably half of that time was swapping between the right and middle lane at about +5 or +10 over the limit because dumb Black folk want to go 95 mph on a fricking interstate with only 3 lanes. I'm a naturally defensive driver and let those lane swerving morons ride straight into speed traps all the time. It's hilarious with dumb homosexuals remove their carburetor to make their car louder and then swerve in and out of traffic +40mph/hr faster than the speed limit only for me to drive by them 12 minutes later as they're pulled over the side of a road by a state trooper.
      bikers don't apply to this rule, most cops don't go after them.

      • 1 month ago

        >remove their carburetor

        • 1 month ago

          I think he just wanted somebody to reply.

    • 1 month ago

      If you're going faster than the traffic on the right you're passing, not camping the lane

      • 1 month ago

        depends. do you have other cars behind you while you inch ahead of vehicles to the right? no longer passing, but obstructing the flow. do you have no other cars somewhat close behind you? cool, move back over when able or once traffic behind you closes that gap

  11. 1 month ago

    I got a ticket recently and will literally never speed more than 5 over again. My brain has been permanently rewired.
    My question is, how are people moronic enough to get several tickets within a short period of time and not change their behavior? You have to have a pretty low iq to not understand this shit

    • 1 month ago

      >how are people moronic enough to get several tickets within a short period
      Because nobody does? I speed nearly 100% of the time I'm on the road and haven't gotten a ticket in years. It's crazy, almost like most normal competent drivers are already regularly driving above the speed limit. It's literally you who needs to get gud.

      • 1 month ago

        Not really, i still arrive at all my destinations on time. Speed all you want, im just referring to people that somehow continuously frick up by going 20+ over right after they've already gotten a slew of tickets. Like what is going on in their head, not much i imagine

        • 1 month ago

          Are these people in the room with is right now?

        • 4 weeks ago

          You’re a huge pussy. I’ve gotten maybe three tickets in the last five years and I’m never going to change how I drive because I’m not a poor loser.

    • 1 month ago

      When I drive everything feels like it's slow motion, 60 feels like 30, 80 feels like 40. I try not to but sometimes when you're just going down a long highway it feels nice to push the gas, feel yourself speed up, and then coast back down. Especially if there's nobody around. It shouldn't even be illegal. Weaving in traffic should be but somehow the Black folk and hispanics who do it are untouchable where I live, cops are too scared to stop them.

  12. 1 month ago

    The posted speed limit is a joke.

  13. 1 month ago

    Speed limits in the US of A were consolidated and began to be seriously enforced in 1957.

    Cars have gotten a little faster lately and yet the limit remains the same.

    Somebody had to feed them pigs I guess.

    • 1 month ago

      A 1958 Impala Turbo Thrust could hit 120mph from the factory. Speed limits are a geometric design thing, to make limits higher you need straighter roads or higher superelevation on curves. That is expensive and also fails to address the issue of obsoleting slower vehicles. The engineer goes for a happy medium where safety is maximized.

      • 1 month ago

        didn't read

  14. 1 month ago

    It's more like this.
    Left lane: I want to drive fast or my exit isn't until 10+ more miles.
    Middle lane: I just want to listen to music and get to my job on time.
    Right lane: I just got off the exit and or I'm about to get off to the next exit.
    Left lane: KILL ALL Black folk.
    Right lane: I want to stop at the ice cream store.

  15. 1 month ago

    isn't the person going slow in the left hand lane ruining everyone's commute the bully?
    if the other drivers get to pass then everyone gets to go on their merry way unbothered

    • 1 month ago

      Is driving the speed limit "ruining" commuting to you?

      • 1 month ago

        it is because i dont want to sit behind your ugly shitbox.

  16. 1 month ago

    LMAO there are people that are not driving +20mph at all times.
    Imagine that there are people living entire lives being cowardly weenies like this.

  17. 1 month ago

    Black person

  18. 1 month ago

    Shitshow of a thread. Bumping to shed light of the effects of illeteracy on society.

  19. 1 month ago

    This sign should be given to all highways worldwide.

    • 1 month ago

      You know it's funny. The sign you posted literally does not exist. Meanwhile, in the actual physical reality we live in, signs like


      Left lane is for passing regardless of speed



      Can ya read English, son?

      Are literally all over the place (and usually in pairs). Almost like they have to beat you dumb motherfrickers over the head with this concept because YOU WON'T GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE

  20. 1 month ago

    Left lane is for passing
    Middle lane is for cruising
    Right lane is for entrance/exit

    This is the only reasonable configuration

  21. 1 month ago

    >Cops in my town drive silver F150's
    >Buy silver F150 of the same body style
    >Everyone now thinks I'm an unmarked patrol car and moves out of my way when I drive fast
    Get rekt homosexual. Left lane is for passing gay aids homos who drive hybrids and econo shitboxes slow on the freeway.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >meanwhile me in my prius
      And notice how I still manage to keep right except when passing

      • 4 weeks ago

        Is it the 2024? I'm considering getting one but it is impossible to discuss that car here.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's posted here all the time. Buy it. Shop multiple dealers until one offers the trim you want for MSRP without a markup. Skip the Prime since it's 60k with little hope of not having a markup right now. The regular trims still get +50mpg on their own depending on how often you use the 7-second 0-60, the fastest (and most stylish) the Prius has ever been.

          • 4 weeks ago

            To this autist claiming that nobody should ever speed, do you even realize speed limits are set by the 85th percentile rule? That means they're set knowing that people are going to exceed this limit and feel comfortable doing so.
            TL:DR, yes you can still impede the flow of traffic doing the posted speed limit on the interstate.

            >the 7-second 0-60

          • 4 weeks ago


            To this autist claiming that nobody should ever speed, do you even realize speed limits are set by the 85th percentile rule? That means they're set knowing that people are going to exceed this limit and feel comfortable doing so.
            TL:DR, yes you can still impede the flow of traffic doing the posted speed limit on the interstate.

            >the 7-second 0-60

            Nevermind, I thought you said sub 7 for some reason.

          • 4 weeks ago

            why pay $30k+ for a Prius instead of $22k for a Corolla Hybrid with comparable MPG?

            I like the Prius, I had a 2013, but what justifies the insane price tag relative to hybrid Corollas/Camrys?

  22. 1 month ago

    I'm gonna say it...

    Here it comes...

    Are you ready?

    >You cannot legally drive faster than the posted speed limit.

    • 1 month ago

      >Drives faster than the posted speed limit
      Oh no... Anyway.

      • 1 month ago

        Oops, I did it again. What ya gonna do about it?

        Also you:
        >Y-you can't drive in the left lane! That's illegal!

        • 1 month ago

          Oops, I did it again. What ya gonna do about it?

          inb4 some cope about getting a ticket so that the illusion of a perfect little world where evil speeders are always punished for deviating from the sheep is maintained in their head

          I will KEEP speeding. And I will NOT get a ticket no matter how much these rule cucks cry about it.

          Cope and seethe Black folk!

          • 1 month ago

            You will not speed because I will block you in the left lane driving the posted speed limit.

          • 1 month ago

            You and every other moron who thinks like you wants to drive faster than everyone else despite sticking to speed limit. You know what that leaves open? The right lane where you fricking belong. It makes no difference to me, it's simply reversed. Enjoy getting passed from the right and I will enjoy you seething in my rear view mirror.

            What are you gonna do? Catch up to me? Not when I drive 2 mph above the speed limit you're not, buckaroo.

            Just goes to show slow drivers just want to bother others, but in reality, a slow car is no obstacle to any good driver.

            >inb4 more imaginary cope when in reality I do this every single and always get away with it

          • 1 month ago

            *Waits for the last second to "courteously" move over to the right the exact same time you do*
            Haha, oops

          • 1 month ago

            >What are you gonna do? Catch up to me? Not when I drive 2 mph above the speed limit you're not
            kek'd & wrekt

    • 1 month ago

      Oops, I did it again. What ya gonna do about it?

    • 1 month ago

      >Be Californian
      >Have "Basic speed law" -- You cannot drive faster than it is safe
      >In order to post a speed limit, local governments must first conduct an engineering study justifying the speed limit.
      >Due to budget constraints my city cannot write speeding tickets for appx 60% of surface streets.
      Ackshully that was only true until a couple of years ago, they've since cought up with their engineering surveys and we can be ticketed on most major thoroughfares.

  23. 1 month ago

    I overtake slowgays no matter what lane they're on.
    >y-you can't just pass from the right!
    Do not care.

    • 1 month ago

      Just maje sure you're aware of the danger and drive carefully


      Guaranteed responses as you gays have never left your own state.
      Protip: You are all wrong. Now go for a road trip OUTSIDE your own county, hm?

      Appealing to authority, bs. Traffic flows the same everywhere, regardless of law. I cannot pass if you're camping. No one can move over like you morons cry about near on ramps if you're camping.
      You shouldn't need a fricking law to tell you, if you're in the way, MOVE

  24. 1 month ago

    Guaranteed responses as you gays have never left your own state.
    Protip: You are all wrong. Now go for a road trip OUTSIDE your own county, hm?

    • 1 month ago

      >Left lane only for turning
      Of course. I turn into the fricking barrier. Or I turn left in 40 miles when the highway ends!

  25. 1 month ago

    where I live the speed limit is 70, but 60 for trucks in the right lane. My car is far more feul efficient at 60 so I use the truck lane, but I still get people tail gating me and raging out that I'm going 10 under when there is a semi right in front of me and all other lanes are clear.

  26. 1 month ago

    That's alright I'll aggressively and dangerously pass you on the right or on the shoulder and cut you off

  27. 1 month ago

    "flow of traffic" is for when there are too many cars to do the speed limit or other factors, like weather, cause you to slow down. It doesn't allow you to speed.

    • 1 month ago

      How do you explain the inexplicable phenomenon that a majority of traffic is regularly driving over the speed limit?

      • 1 month ago

        The majority of traffic is breaking the law.

        • 1 month ago

          And yet, by definition, they still define the "flow" of traffic

          • 1 month ago

            Keeping up with the flow of traffic doesn't mean you are allowed to speed. It means don't try to do the speed limit when everyone else is doing 15 under because of the weather conditions

          • 1 month ago

            Weird, it doesn't seem to actually state that anywhere in any "traffic flow" rules. And weirdly enough, the most common signs just say "KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS"

          • 1 month ago

            It also doesn't say you are allowed to break the speed limit. If someone in front of you is passing and at the speed limit, you have to just wait.

          • 1 month ago

            It doesn't say you're not allowed to either. What is DOES say, is that you should keep up with the flow of traffic or get out of the passing lane.

          • 1 month ago

            If I'm passing, I can use the left lane. b***h all you want but you're just gonna have to wait for me

          • 1 month ago

            >just gonna have to wait for me
            Correct, if you're keeping up with the flow of traffic. If you're passing a 65mph truck while doing 66mph, and everybody else is doing 75, I WILL undertake, overtake, or pass you on the shoulder.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    Since this thread is about Camping = LE BAD most of the time, take a look at this.

    So many campers on the left lane in the distance. How many times do I have to flash my headlights so everyone will get out of the way?

    • 4 weeks ago

      very proud of my autism by guessing the date of this photo as 2009 before reverse image searching it

  29. 4 weeks ago

    Americans be like

    Today I will buy a 7.4L V8 with 4 superchargers at 1776HP and I will take it down LIBERTY FREEDOM road for a spin at a blistering 65mph (gets stopped and shot by a moron cop)

    Meanwhile in Europe the average 1.2L Renault and Peugeouts are driving at 7k rpm in top gear without a worry in the world.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    I'm sorry, what exactly is the problem here. The passing lane is for passing. There are so many people on the motorway barely doing 60mph, it's infuriating. Can't stand braking for no reason. Best to just stay in the passing lane, put your foot down and make way if somebody faster comes up behind. Remember the longer you're on the roads, the more chance you have to get into an accident. Just get where you're going and frick off.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If you're not passing, you're not using the lane properly, and need to leave.
      It's annoying for me as a good boy driver to have to change lanes so often, I get it, but we can't let the Black folk win, that's how are roads are the way they are today.
      We got a bunch of fricking morons running child's licenses thinking they're all correct cause there more of them than us. We have to hold back that tide


      Since this thread is about Camping = LE BAD most of the time, take a look at this.

      So many campers on the left lane in the distance. How many times do I have to flash my headlights so everyone will get out of the way?

      Look how no one is using the lane of travel as far as the eye can fricking SEE. I hate hearing these 'quhayamean they gave me three lanes but you only want me to use one' argument from camping morons and yet look what they've done, effectively turned a three lane road into two

      I understand how this follow the leader/jump off a bridge shit starts, but what gets me is how many fricking times do you need to be punishpassed, flashed at, whatever, before you start thinking that maybe they way you're doing things is wrong?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >lane of travel
        It's not a 3 lane you moron. Look at the photo. That is just a merging lane, it ends before the first curve even. Its just a 2 lane

        • 4 weeks ago

          >It's not a 3 lane you moron
          Doesn't matter at fricking all, moron. If you block the path to pass, you're in the way. Keep right except to pass, if everyone keeps right, it will be easy to pass and easy to make left turns since you won't have to fight a wall of traffic. It makes it easier to turn right ONTO the road two since eeryone isn't perfectly staggered like morons and you're only going to have to worry about one lane coming at you, not two.
          How can anyone with two eyes NOT FRICKING SEEEEEEEE

          these threads are always amazing, the illogical nonsense the morons who want to drive faster than the speed limit come up with to try to justify their impatience never fails to entertain.
          this board is fricking garbage and has been for a long time but these threads are still worth visiting once a week for. never mature DA, this is all you have left.

          You can still be wrong and just let me pass you,keepo right except to pass

  31. 4 weeks ago

    frickin amercans and their lane confusions.
    let me guess, you dont even have right of way as you merge onto a highway?

  32. 4 weeks ago

    these threads are always amazing, the illogical nonsense the morons who want to drive faster than the speed limit come up with to try to justify their impatience never fails to entertain.
    this board is fricking garbage and has been for a long time but these threads are still worth visiting once a week for. never mature DA, this is all you have left.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >the illogical nonsense the morons who don't want to keep right and pass left come up with to try and justify their actions never fails to entertain
      >this board is so fricking garbage I come here at least once a week to remind myself how morally superior I am to u
      Write a fricking blog about it buddy

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      Why do you want to make transportation slower for everyone?

  33. 4 weeks ago

    I had to make a roadtrip recently from Dallas to Austin and I very rarely go down I35 to Austin because lmao Austin, but fricking NO ONE uses the right lane on that road. It's a 200 miles trip and I spent no joke at least 80% of it in either the right most or middle lane going 90mph. Half of all cars stay in the left lane in a long ass single file line for miles and miles. Sometimes I could stay in the right lane completely by myself for 6,7,8 miles at a time before coming up on the back of any other vehicle. Of course then the middle lane was empty so I could quickly overtake them and get back in the right lane for another 5,6 miles.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Same up and down I95 especially through VA and NC. I love getting into little races with other cars, watching them struggle to maintain +100mph in the passing lane, while I pass them at 90mph just using the middle lane. The left lane is dead.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    I speed until someone wants to frick around then I'll go 10 under and match the speed of someone next to me and/or speed up when they try to pass.

  35. 4 weeks ago


  36. 4 weeks ago

    70mph is the speed limit on highways though.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Quite incorrect, visit shit like Texas

      That's not true whatsoever idiot
      If you cant pass doing the speed limit, then you can't pass at all
      It's a speed LIMIT, not a speed suggestion

      And it's a passing lane and you're not passing, so now what, we're both breaking the law and only one of us is being an inconviance, child


      How much time is saved by speeding? Does speeding make up for waiting at stoplights? What if you speed only to get stopped at red and everyone you just passed pulls up behind you?

      Doesn't matter, it's fun. I don't have to justify it anymore than you do, but you DO need to be passing in a passing lane

      I think this law is extremely dumb. Mostly because when the road is not congested everybody is already exceeding the speed limit so the "passing lane" becomes the defacto illegal excessive speeding lane.

      If the road is congested the "passing" lane becomes just another traffic jam lane like all the others.

      If the road is mostly empty and you're cruising in the "slow lane" because the law says to than you are cruising in a lane closest to the sidewalk, closest to driveways, closest to on and off ramps. Why would you default to cruising in the most hazardous lane with the most lane changes happening?

      What if you intend to pass every single car in the slow lane? you just cruise in the passing lane which is also breaking the law for some reason? its super dumb and the rules break down under every extreme circumstance.

      I feel it only exists to encourage keeping a lane clear for emergency vehicles

      If you fricking kept right except to pass how in the fricking world could you congest THREE LANES OF TRAFFIC, you have TWO PASSING LANES, that's more than enough if everyone actually returns right, you can always have traffic flow

      You are a bad driver and cannot imagine a world with better drivers
      >Why would you default to cruising in the most hazardous lane with the most lane changes happening?
      Because that is the only lane of travel, Black person. In the event someone entering or exiting the high way is not doing so properly, if no one is camping in the center passing lane, wow look how this works out,YOU CAN FRICKING MOVE OVER
      Exit and On ramps are for exiting and entering traffic, it's int he name moron. If normal traffic scars you, remove yourself from the road.
      Do not block others because you piss your poants

      Based. Doing gods work. Speeders don’t have the right to move law Abiders out of the way

      You're not abiding to Gods or the states laws if you're not keeping right except to pass. Traffic flows the same everywhere regardless if you're from a mouth breathing biblebeating state thats too stupid to put up a sign the majority of its illiterate citizens can't read anyhow

      The law really is for the autobahn where there is no maximum speed limit

      And they get to have that because they practice lane dicipline. WE WOULD HAVE IT TOO GUYS

      • 4 weeks ago

        >And it's a passing lane and you're not passing, so now what, we're both breaking the law and only one of us is being an inconviance, child
        Nice try gay, but Im not in the left lane, I'm doing the speed limit in the middle lane. You can either follow the law and remain behind me at safe distance at the proper speed, or have another one of your little chimpouts and speed into the passing lane on the left, breaking the law. Your impatience makes you the child.
        If you can't pass doing the speed limit, then you can't pass at all. The "passing lane" doesn't mean you can start speeding like a Black person.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Nice try gay, but Im not in the left lane, I'm doing the speed limit in the middle lane
          So.....you're in a passing lane and not passing anyone, great, another moron who can't see he's in the fricking way, encouraging unsaf e weaving, undertaking, and making one lane change into fricking three.
          How many times do you need to be flashed at, honked at, or passed on both sides to realize you need to keep right except to pass in order for traffic to flow.
          Please fricking explain to me how it makes sense, if I want to pass the guy in front of me in the travel lane, that I have to go AROUND YOU TOO all the fricking way to the left, to get all the fricking back to the right, when you could also just be in the travel lane, USE THE PASSING LANES TO FRICKING PASS and return right?
          I say for a millionth time, if exiting and entering traffic scares you, remove yourself from the road. If needing to pay attention enranges you, remove yourself from the road. If you are not passing, remove yourself from the passing lanes.
          How do you see this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd8PyH7OtNo&list=FLdpFXcz87Y1SQ-iewbGm91A&index=97&t=10s&pp=gAQB8AUB and not think you're in the way????!!!!

          • 4 weeks ago

            >How many times do you need to be flashed at, honked at, or passed on both sides to realize you need to keep right except to pass in order for traffic to flow.
            kek try that in any large city. No one follows your silly rules here. The only reason I stay right is because the right shoulder is easier to work with in case of a breakdown. No playing frogger for me.

  37. 4 weeks ago

    How much time is saved by speeding? Does speeding make up for waiting at stoplights? What if you speed only to get stopped at red and everyone you just passed pulls up behind you?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Depends on too many factors to say, frogtard-kun.

      I regularly get places a good 5-10 minutes faster than other people who left from the same place at the same time though, so it's not zero. And there's no stop lights on the interstate so the amount of time saved of course is higher for long trips on the interstate depending on how much you're speeding.

      Ultimately though I don't really care about getting places faster I just care about driving the speed that feels comfortable, but I also don't pull butthole maneuvers like tailgating, cutting people off, weaving through traffic just to force my way in front of people etc. which are the things that are actually dangerous and inconvenient to others most of the time.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It’s not about saving time, it’s about sending a message.

      • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        >it’s about sending a message.
        I can already see the message
        >we regret to inform you that anon-kun is currently hospitalized from a car accident. You were the designated family member in their medical sheet. We don't know when they'll regain consciousness

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Drive to visit folks
      >Estimated travel time: 5 hrs 55 min
      Speed the entire way
      >Actual travel time: 5hrs 10 minutes
      Over 40 extra minutes with my family that evening

      • 4 weeks ago

        In actuality
        >get pulled over by police
        >license suspended
        >actual travel time: 2d17h by bus

        • 4 weeks ago

          >In actuality
          Black person I just did this last week, and about 6 times a year minimum apart from that.
          Want to guess how many tickets? In actuality? (Hint: it rhymes with "smearo")

  38. 4 weeks ago

    I think this law is extremely dumb. Mostly because when the road is not congested everybody is already exceeding the speed limit so the "passing lane" becomes the defacto illegal excessive speeding lane.

    If the road is congested the "passing" lane becomes just another traffic jam lane like all the others.

    If the road is mostly empty and you're cruising in the "slow lane" because the law says to than you are cruising in a lane closest to the sidewalk, closest to driveways, closest to on and off ramps. Why would you default to cruising in the most hazardous lane with the most lane changes happening?

    What if you intend to pass every single car in the slow lane? you just cruise in the passing lane which is also breaking the law for some reason? its super dumb and the rules break down under every extreme circumstance.

    I feel it only exists to encourage keeping a lane clear for emergency vehicles

    • 4 weeks ago

      The law really is for the autobahn where there is no maximum speed limit

  39. 4 weeks ago

    You’re objectively wrong, legally.
    t. Lawyer

  40. 4 weeks ago

    >Be night shift
    >Get off as others are going to work
    >Crooze in the left lane
    >See all the seething morning wagies in my mirror flashing and honnking
    >About 10 cars behind me all tailgating each other
    Choo! Chooooooo!

  41. 4 weeks ago

    9/10 of interstate highways and freeways should raise the speed limit for non-semi trucks to 120mph.
    >but but cuckovers
    then....THEY can go slower.

  42. 4 weeks ago

    Just fricking die already you walking corpse.
    If you're under 60 and act this way you desperately need to get your blood testosterone levels checked.
    Slow driving is the type of passive agressive bullying low testosterone boomers and women pull.
    Cut the shit Black person, even the cops hate people like you.

  43. 4 weeks ago

    >Yfw speed minimum 40

    • 4 weeks ago

      That means someone was driving less than 40 in a 70 at some point...
      Speed on the interstate here is 75 everyone goes 65.
      We legit need to get boomers out of cars and off the road for good.
      The new thing people do here is turn on their hazards and do insane shit like drive on the sidewalk or flat out block traffic.
      Or my favorite, sitting at 4 way stops like mouth breathers despite having the right of way.
      Quite frankly we need to check testosterone levels at the DMV at this point.

  44. 4 weeks ago

    what really boggles my mind is when I see Black folk tailgaiting people in the left lane, wait for someone to move over, then stay in the left lane, unaware they could be impeding traffic for someone else. Even if you're going 100, move right, then move back over when you need to pass someone else*
    *obviously heavy rush hour traffic may not be feasible, since no one is moving, but 10pm at night when there are maybe 10-15 cars within eyesight at any given time, this is not that hard to do.
    I'm probably autistic or german since I will move right, even if I know i will need to pass in 45-60 seconds, because I don't want to impede traffic and be a Black person

    • 4 weeks ago

      The problem is I get over but nobody else does and now I'm in an empty right lane?
      Do I just start zipping by going the FRICKING SPEED LIMIT in the right lane?
      I hate passing in the right but nobody just gets in the cruising lane to FRICKING CRUISE.
      Then I get boxed out of the passing lane because captain homosexual just refuses to go 2mph faster and fricking PASS ME FRICK.
      So insanely enraging these fricking people.

  45. 4 weeks ago

    >always drive with the flow of traffic unless I am making more space for me or my frens on the road
    >always give people an out if they are stuck behind a semi and I am coming up in the fast lane
    >cruise control always on
    >always blasting boomer rock like

    feels good being a good driver

  46. 4 weeks ago

    Not only do I speed in the left lane, when there's a traffic jam, I drive in the carpool lane with just myself in the car. No one follows your autistic lane-speed rules, no one zipper merges correctly, everyone rubbernecks for an accident, so just live in the real world when you're driving. You're driving as you want to, but don't complain when others do the same.

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