New Science Alert

>research links a desire to own loud cars to higher levels of sadism and psychopathy.

The science is settled chuds

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  1. 1 month ago

    well i am a sadist and i like my music to shake other cars.

  2. 1 month ago

    >didn't receive attention as child
    >force people's attentions with loud exhaust, even if it's bad attention
    Well adjusted White men don't need loud exhausts, it's an incel/Black person tier thing.

    • 1 month ago

      Well adjusted white man here
      v8 burble is the sound of my ppl
      Get your t levels checked

      • 1 month ago

        When was the last time you had sex, if at all, with a white, non obese, non drug addicted, non tattooed woman?

        • 1 month ago

          Last night and most likely tonight.

          • 1 month ago

            Source: your ass (crusty)

        • 1 month ago

          I sex my wife twice a week for three weeks out of the month. Been that way since I married her still in high school 28 years ago. I have a 6 point something v8 for each of my 4 blonde-haired and blue-eyed children, though one of each has left for university and is no longer at home.

          • 1 month ago
          • 1 month ago

            My wife is way more attractive than that prostitute.

          • 1 month ago

            And you only smash twice a week? Something doesn't add up

          • 1 month ago

            She likes it on her car.

          • 1 month ago

            Is that a snack pack

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            Texas plates.

          • 1 month ago

            Too crowded here.

          • 1 month ago
          • 1 month ago

            Nice gat.

          • 1 month ago

            you know how when you fap all day every day and you become desensitised to it/doesn't feel as good? same thing. sex is all the more enjoyable when you limit yourself (to an extent of course)

          • 1 month ago


            She likes it on her car.


            My other car.

            One chevy one dodge and one ford?

          • 1 month ago

            The Chally has the typical Chrysler electrical problems but is otherwise a fantastic daily. I prefer Ford pickups of this age because they're quite reliable and easy to work on. Forscan and AlfaODB are nice plus Dodge and Ford have surprisingly good service data. Vette is relatively new to me but I've wanted one for 20 years and is the first manual I've had since in years.

          • 1 month ago

            Cute wife. How do you feel now that the kids are out of the house? I'm 19 but dreading that day when it eventually comes.

          • 1 month ago

            who does she sex for the remaining 5 days each week?

          • 1 month ago

            My other car.

          • 1 month ago

            >three weeks out of the month
            You don't like playing in the mud and call yourself a cowboy? lol
            Meanwhile I wear my red wings proudly

      • 1 month ago

        >v8 burble is the sound of my ppl
        This, any others trying to claim are just attempting cultural appropriation.

      • 1 month ago

        >v8 burble is the sound of my ppl
        Let Freedom Ring!

    • 1 month ago

      Actually the study disproves this. The scientist who did the study was convinced narcissistic personality traits were to blame for loud exhausts but was extremely disappointed when he found out that people who buy loud exhausts are just high grade misanthropes.

      You should get your T-levels checked. If a V8 on glasspacks doesn't do it for you, you are a failure as a White Man.

      T. Glasspack and header enthusiast, misanthrope, well adjusted White Man, and Pony Car Enjoyer

      • 1 month ago

        AKA not well adjusted. Thank you for proving my point

        • 1 month ago

          Perfectly well adjusted, Jobinderpreet. /n/ might be more your speed.

      • 1 month ago

        Glasspacks are different than a straight pipe and rev bombing everywhere. If I could get glasspack sound with even slightly quieter noise levels, I would.

      • 1 month ago

        Also a newbie, apparently.

      • 1 month ago

        It depnds on the car. I have a 96 e420 and simply cut the muffler off and it sounds perfect

    • 1 month ago

      People on DA make the "white man" sound like the plainest motherfricker with a chip on his shoulder

      • 1 month ago

        I mean, it's reality. The white man drives a boring, npc grey econobox, works a 9-5 wagie slavie job and has 50% of his earnings taken away via taxes that get spent on making it possible for unemployed minorities to have fun and afford loud, fancy cars. Welcome home, white man.

        • 1 month ago

          Asian (Indian) here. We drive more shitboxes than you and save more money.
          White parents really waste money buying v6 camaros for their teenage children kek.

          • 1 month ago

            research shows pajeetas are forsaking their families for BWC sperm

          • 1 month ago

            White parents sound like more fun than you sad smelly judgy fricks rolling around in shitboxes

          • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Projecting much?

    • 1 month ago

      Well-adjusted white men probably think loud cars are cool, go to any car show in America and I bet there are plenty of respectable individuals in the crowd that go crazy for a classic muscle car peeling out.
      The white man isn't some prissy old lady on the HOA, he's a goddamn man

      • 1 month ago

        Loud cars are cool In The Moment or relative to a specific occasion like a race event, demo derby or monster truck rally.

        Only a moron thinks its cool to fusion bomb their long term hearing and the hearing of people around them.

    • 1 month ago

      >Well adjusted White men

      That doesn't exist anymore.

    • 1 month ago

      I got an aftermarket exhaust so I could enhance and enjoy the sound of my engine. To me the sound of a nice motor, induction noise, turbo spool and BOV, the crackle and pop of shifts, is a mechanical symphony. Simpletons could never understand what I feel

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah tbh I'd have to agree, it's pretty obnoxious.

  3. 1 month ago

    I like loud exhausts but there's nothing i want more in life than a cute girl to humiliate me, is that considered sadism?

  4. 1 month ago

    naturally amplified sound from intake + catback, i can vibe with
    garbage like straight piping and crackle tunes you are a homosexual

    • 1 month ago

      If you have a properly built high powered V8 from the 50s-60s running on glasspacks and short downturns, or side exits, it WILL crackle on deceleration but it actually sounds good unlike crackle tunes. This is the White Man's crackle. Same applies to properly built hot 50s-70s four and six bangers running

      • 1 month ago

        crackle made by a tune isn't the same as crackle generated from modifying some pipes. anyone with working ears could tell the difference
        t. inline 5 burble gang

  5. 1 month ago

    >London, UK (2 September 2008): New clinical research released today proves that the sound of a luxury car engine appeals to our primal instincts, surprisingly more so for women, even if they claim to have no interest in cars.
    The study by luxury motor insurers Hiscox, found that the roar of a Maserati turned women’s heads the most.

    >Participants of the clinical study were exposed to a recording of various super-car engines being revved. They listened to the roaring engines of a Maserati, a Lamborghini and a Ferrari; and they were also exposed to a recording of a Volkswagen Polo, to ensure a fair comparison of arousal was measured with an every-day vehicle.

    >After 20 minutes their response was measured by the levels of the hormone, testosterone, secreted in their saliva.

    • 1 month ago

      >The results showed:

      >The Maserati had the biggest impact on women with 100% of the female participants showing a significant increase in testosterone secretion
      100% of female participants showed a decrease in testosterone in reaction to the Polo
      50% of male participants showed an increase in testosterone in reaction to the Maserati
      60% of male participants showed an increase in testosterone in reaction to the Lamborghini

      >Despite nearly 60% of female participants admitting they were nowhere near as passionate about cars as their male counterparts, the women actually exceeded the men when it came to experiencing driving excitement, showing that their preferences were over-shadowed by their basic instincts.

      >David Moxon, the psychologist who conducted the study said: “We saw significant peaks in the amount of testosterone in the body, particularly in women. Testosterone is indicative of positive arousal in the human body so we can confidently conclude from the results out today that the roar of a luxury car engine actually does cause a primeval physiological response.”

      >Prior to the research taking place 63% of women and 66% of men admitted that their heads are turned when they hear a deep throaty roar in the road; proving primal instinct still rules the basic physiology of the human state of arousal in the 21st century.

      >Steve Langan, Managing Director of Hiscox UK commented: “We knew owners of luxury cars felt a connection with the sound of their vehicles, many of our customers turn the music down when they start their ignition. We have now scientifically proven the physical attraction people feel when it comes to cars. We are amazed by the results. Luxury cars do quite literally turn heads.”
      Although, that's just the sound of a V8 or V12 or whatever. Not whether it's deafeningly loud or not.

      • 1 month ago

        Imagine not revving up your maserati between sets for the extra gains. Fricking dyels lmao

        • 1 month ago

          No wonder Rich got so huge

      • 1 month ago

        >London, UK (2 September 2008): New clinical research released today proves that the sound of a luxury car engine appeals to our primal instincts, surprisingly more so for women, even if they claim to have no interest in cars.
        The study by luxury motor insurers Hiscox, found that the roar of a Maserati turned women’s heads the most.

        >Participants of the clinical study were exposed to a recording of various super-car engines being revved. They listened to the roaring engines of a Maserati, a Lamborghini and a Ferrari; and they were also exposed to a recording of a Volkswagen Polo, to ensure a fair comparison of arousal was measured with an every-day vehicle.

        >After 20 minutes their response was measured by the levels of the hormone, testosterone, secreted in their saliva.

        What gender am I attracting with my Honda CB650R?
        It doesn't roar, but it says yum-yum-yuuuuaaaaaeeee-yeeee- yieeeeeeeeowwwww

    • 1 month ago

      >The results showed:

      >The Maserati had the biggest impact on women with 100% of the female participants showing a significant increase in testosterone secretion
      100% of female participants showed a decrease in testosterone in reaction to the Polo
      50% of male participants showed an increase in testosterone in reaction to the Maserati
      60% of male participants showed an increase in testosterone in reaction to the Lamborghini

      >Despite nearly 60% of female participants admitting they were nowhere near as passionate about cars as their male counterparts, the women actually exceeded the men when it came to experiencing driving excitement, showing that their preferences were over-shadowed by their basic instincts.

      >David Moxon, the psychologist who conducted the study said: “We saw significant peaks in the amount of testosterone in the body, particularly in women. Testosterone is indicative of positive arousal in the human body so we can confidently conclude from the results out today that the roar of a luxury car engine actually does cause a primeval physiological response.”

      >Prior to the research taking place 63% of women and 66% of men admitted that their heads are turned when they hear a deep throaty roar in the road; proving primal instinct still rules the basic physiology of the human state of arousal in the 21st century.

      >Steve Langan, Managing Director of Hiscox UK commented: “We knew owners of luxury cars felt a connection with the sound of their vehicles, many of our customers turn the music down when they start their ignition. We have now scientifically proven the physical attraction people feel when it comes to cars. We are amazed by the results. Luxury cars do quite literally turn heads.”
      Although, that's just the sound of a V8 or V12 or whatever. Not whether it's deafeningly loud or not.

      I fricking love science

      • 1 month ago

        sounds like you need a v8 or v12 revved in hearing range

    • 1 month ago

      >The results showed:

      >The Maserati had the biggest impact on women with 100% of the female participants showing a significant increase in testosterone secretion
      100% of female participants showed a decrease in testosterone in reaction to the Polo
      50% of male participants showed an increase in testosterone in reaction to the Maserati
      60% of male participants showed an increase in testosterone in reaction to the Lamborghini

      >Despite nearly 60% of female participants admitting they were nowhere near as passionate about cars as their male counterparts, the women actually exceeded the men when it came to experiencing driving excitement, showing that their preferences were over-shadowed by their basic instincts.

      >David Moxon, the psychologist who conducted the study said: “We saw significant peaks in the amount of testosterone in the body, particularly in women. Testosterone is indicative of positive arousal in the human body so we can confidently conclude from the results out today that the roar of a luxury car engine actually does cause a primeval physiological response.”

      >Prior to the research taking place 63% of women and 66% of men admitted that their heads are turned when they hear a deep throaty roar in the road; proving primal instinct still rules the basic physiology of the human state of arousal in the 21st century.

      >Steve Langan, Managing Director of Hiscox UK commented: “We knew owners of luxury cars felt a connection with the sound of their vehicles, many of our customers turn the music down when they start their ignition. We have now scientifically proven the physical attraction people feel when it comes to cars. We are amazed by the results. Luxury cars do quite literally turn heads.”
      Although, that's just the sound of a V8 or V12 or whatever. Not whether it's deafeningly loud or not.

      EVchuds irrevocably BTFO

    • 1 month ago

      >The results showed:

      >The Maserati had the biggest impact on women with 100% of the female participants showing a significant increase in testosterone secretion
      100% of female participants showed a decrease in testosterone in reaction to the Polo
      50% of male participants showed an increase in testosterone in reaction to the Maserati
      60% of male participants showed an increase in testosterone in reaction to the Lamborghini

      >Despite nearly 60% of female participants admitting they were nowhere near as passionate about cars as their male counterparts, the women actually exceeded the men when it came to experiencing driving excitement, showing that their preferences were over-shadowed by their basic instincts.

      >David Moxon, the psychologist who conducted the study said: “We saw significant peaks in the amount of testosterone in the body, particularly in women. Testosterone is indicative of positive arousal in the human body so we can confidently conclude from the results out today that the roar of a luxury car engine actually does cause a primeval physiological response.”

      >Prior to the research taking place 63% of women and 66% of men admitted that their heads are turned when they hear a deep throaty roar in the road; proving primal instinct still rules the basic physiology of the human state of arousal in the 21st century.

      >Steve Langan, Managing Director of Hiscox UK commented: “We knew owners of luxury cars felt a connection with the sound of their vehicles, many of our customers turn the music down when they start their ignition. We have now scientifically proven the physical attraction people feel when it comes to cars. We are amazed by the results. Luxury cars do quite literally turn heads.”
      Although, that's just the sound of a V8 or V12 or whatever. Not whether it's deafeningly loud or not.

      OP is a troony and will never be a woman nor recover from this

    • 1 month ago

      >The results showed:

      >The Maserati had the biggest impact on women with 100% of the female participants showing a significant increase in testosterone secretion
      100% of female participants showed a decrease in testosterone in reaction to the Polo
      50% of male participants showed an increase in testosterone in reaction to the Maserati
      60% of male participants showed an increase in testosterone in reaction to the Lamborghini

      >Despite nearly 60% of female participants admitting they were nowhere near as passionate about cars as their male counterparts, the women actually exceeded the men when it came to experiencing driving excitement, showing that their preferences were over-shadowed by their basic instincts.

      >David Moxon, the psychologist who conducted the study said: “We saw significant peaks in the amount of testosterone in the body, particularly in women. Testosterone is indicative of positive arousal in the human body so we can confidently conclude from the results out today that the roar of a luxury car engine actually does cause a primeval physiological response.”

      >Prior to the research taking place 63% of women and 66% of men admitted that their heads are turned when they hear a deep throaty roar in the road; proving primal instinct still rules the basic physiology of the human state of arousal in the 21st century.

      >Steve Langan, Managing Director of Hiscox UK commented: “We knew owners of luxury cars felt a connection with the sound of their vehicles, many of our customers turn the music down when they start their ignition. We have now scientifically proven the physical attraction people feel when it comes to cars. We are amazed by the results. Luxury cars do quite literally turn heads.”
      Although, that's just the sound of a V8 or V12 or whatever. Not whether it's deafeningly loud or not.

      You forgot to post the screencap too Anon.

  6. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Seethe more

  7. 1 month ago

    Not science. A pilot study. Quote:"she was inspired to study the minds of loud car enthusiasts while walking her dog near the university campus, where she frequently encountered this unsettling form of noise pollution". Everyone knows that universities are hotbeds of socialism. They'll write any communist trash for another grant. Pic: into the dumpster for that trash

    • 1 month ago

      The science is settled, chud

      • 1 month ago

        Pilot studies don't "settle" anything. They're just posing questions to lead to further research.

        • 1 month ago

          The science is S E T T L E D. Keep coping.

          • 1 month ago

            Settle deez nuts on your chin, homosexual

      • 1 month ago

        >"The participants in the relatively small sample were relatively young, and all enrolled in a business degree at the same university, so Schermer's findings may not apply to broader populations"
        Not settled

    • 1 month ago

      >Not science. A pilot study
      Will be quoted as science nevertheless, that's how modern ~~*science*~~ works

  8. 1 month ago

    I don't see the problem, my wife likes being tied up

  9. 1 month ago

    Got called a chud again, so I'm starting to think it's cool to be called a chud. Never hear that term IRL, just real 4-chins talk. Maybe I'll get a t-shirt.

    • 1 month ago


  10. 1 month ago

    Loud and sounds bad = low iq, probably a minority or low tier white like a dago
    Loud and sounds good = enthusiast, probably high iq and white, or just lucky

    Most loud cars sound like absolute shit, because dumb people (most people) think loud = good. Very few actually loud exhausts sound good, usually those that sound good are loud compared to stock but not anywhere near straight piped/only resonated loud.

  11. 1 month ago

    Big car = small peepee
    The one equation that withstood the test of time

    • 1 month ago

      >t. woman

  12. 1 month ago

    EV drivers confirmed for being the most sane and well adjusted

    • 1 month ago

      No wonder high paid whites and asiatics driving those things.

      Any kind of attention grabbing car (loud, flashy, lifted, etc.) = low class pleb seeking validation.


  13. 1 month ago

    I just want to be able to hear my v8 over background noise. If it sounds cool to anyone outside thats a bonus

    • 1 month ago

      What is that? looks ghey.

      • 1 month ago

        Nice dubs. Nah it was blue

        • 1 month ago

          I heard a loud deep rumbol behind me at the Costco Gas station, and saw a new IS500. Surprised an old ass skinny boomer stepped out, wearing a Borla hat. I rushed home to fap--I mean Youtube search "IS500 borla" to hear more of dat asshaust.

          Found the exact person, same license plate and all.


          • 1 month ago

            it's weird hearing a very deep v8 rumble coming from a toyota. in a good way though. occasionally i see a v8 soarer on my way to work, never gets old hearing that v8. and you just don't really expect a lexus to have that same grumble when you're sitting behind one lel.

          • 1 month ago

            The old man knows how to get down, thing sounds sick

  14. 1 month ago

    Watched this show about car sounds. I want a V10, (but can't afford one).

    • 1 month ago


      it's weird hearing a very deep v8 rumble coming from a toyota. in a good way though. occasionally i see a v8 soarer on my way to work, never gets old hearing that v8. and you just don't really expect a lexus to have that same grumble when you're sitting behind one lel.

      Toyota's pushrod V8 from the 70s sounds for all the world like a SBC

    • 1 month ago

      Sorry anon but add all the pistons you want it will never sound like the glorious 2 smoke.

  15. 1 month ago

    Same science that said getting angry while driving (because unsafe drivers who caused said anger are endangering everyone on the road) was a mental disorder?
    >low quality garbage bait threads have now reached DA after destroying bigger boards

  16. 1 month ago

    I own a loud car and enjoy watching russhits getting gored by drones.

  17. 1 month ago

    That's one of those, we already knew that, science is just confirming it.

  18. 1 month ago

    low test cucks mad

  19. 1 month ago

    >"she was inspired to study the minds of loud car enthusiasts while walking her dog near the university campus, where she frequently encountered this unsettling form of noise pollution"
    I don't like 'x', let's right a study about 'x' because I think it is bad.
    >"The participants in the relatively small sample were relatively young, and all enrolled in a business degree at the same university"
    I know, I'll ask a very small group who I have authority over to confirm my assertions.
    Anyone got a photo of this chick? I'm guessing aging blonde with a chihuahua that's easily spooked by everything.

    Wasn't this the one that caught flak for publishing the study claiming white dog owners held inherently racist attitudes. If memory serves the author was black and was inspired to do the 'study' after they were bitten while trespassing.

    • 1 month ago

      >Julie Aitken Schermer

  20. 1 month ago

    Research also sows tat People who drive scooters are based as frick.

  21. 1 month ago


    They're sons don't cum home. There sons OD on Fenty while at "college"

    Bryce was such a good boi, he dindu nuffin

    Asian (Indian) here. We drive more shitboxes than you and save more money.
    White parents really waste money buying v6 camaros for their teenage children kek.

    Asian (Chinese) here, yes can confirm. White "people" be wastin' they money on stupid frivolities like A/C, Starbucks, monthly streaming subscriptions, and other dumb shit. We save every fricking penny (and steal a couple of yours too)

    • 1 month ago

      Based fellow asian man. America is ours.

      • 1 month ago

        >too stupid to build his own nation, has to go overseas

  22. 1 month ago

    Sadist? Check.
    Psychopath? Check.
    Owned loud cards entire life? Check.

  23. 1 month ago

    My own research has concluded that op is a gay.

  24. 1 month ago


    jeet in the street

    They're sons don't cum home. There sons OD on Fenty while at "college"

    Bryce was such a good boi, he dindu nuffin

    Asian (Chinese) here, yes can confirm. White "people" be wastin' they money on stupid frivolities like A/C, Starbucks, monthly streaming subscriptions, and other dumb shit. We save every fricking penny (and steal a couple of yours too)

    small penis

    • 1 month ago

      >small penis

      lel u wish

  25. 1 month ago


  26. 1 month ago

    >when you and the local straight piped civic meet up on the highway

  27. 1 month ago

    Its usually Blacks,beans,and zoomer wiggers that do this type of stuff. Always a subhuman they aren't capable taking into account that other people exist so its not really their fault, they just arent able realize that it bothers other people. Like animals basically

    • 1 month ago

      This WhiteMan mogs all subhumans with picrel. Plug and play exaust switch to set the appropiate mood music deppending on the venue. ODB unit Hijacks the C6 side mirror select switch to enable a 3 level setting control.
      (Ninja) Quiet / (OEM) Normal and Power AKA The Supreme Big Dick Swinging, Obnoxiously Loud ( like when your mom receives a surprised romantic encounter of the anal in the ass kind).
      Special bonus to customise HUD and DIC. limited though.

  28. 1 month ago

    dont care who else hears my car, its my right as an american to drive my shitty 90s gm junk with a pushrod 4 cyl and a $22 fake flowmaster though nice neighborhoods filled with californians on my way to work

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