San Francisco car break-ins

How do you protect your car from getting broken into if you work in San Francisco? You can park your car in a garage overnight, but what do you do if you just want to stop at a grocery store, at your workplace or anywhere else where you don't have any kind of protected parking space? Obviously don't suggest leaving San Francisco, I agree that it's the best solution, but I'm already aware of it.

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  1. 1 month ago

    You should leave San Francisco.

    • 1 month ago

      Well ok, what about other big cities? Is it better in Seattle, Portland, San Diego, Austin? Where do I not have to worry about this shit

      • 1 month ago

        >Seattle, Portland, San Diego, Austin?
        Try not living in liberal shitholes for starters

        • 1 month ago

          How am I supposed to have a job with a good pay outside of a big city

          • 1 month ago

            stop being moronic and realize that with the higher cost of living and random expenses like parking and fixing broken windows, you would come out way ahead in a non-meme city with a lower paying job

          • 1 month ago

            You could work in mines, fishing or oil rigs, Windmill maintenance, and various other things.

          • 1 month ago

            Most if not all high paying tech jobs are work from home post covid. If you're in tech and they're getting you to commute to work and not on at least 6 figures, you're getting trolled.

          • 1 month ago

            I work remotely in a white town of about 8k.

            I don't even lock my front door at night.

        • 1 month ago

          I live and a house in Seattle and park on the street. Never had an issue. Did you ever read the defense law in WA state. Did you know it covers life and property? You can def get your window smashed in Seattle though. Best idea is to use your brain. Park in business area, park away from the like 2 places where someone would do it (one of which is a literal druggie shelter, the other is in industrial side and that's not an issue if you don't work there

      • 1 month ago

        Last year I left the keys in my car in Portland for 24hrs, parked right by the sidewalk downtown. I got drunk and forgot where I parked. Benefits of driving a shit box I guess.

      • 1 month ago

        Move to the midwest.
        The big cities on coastal states are rife with crime.
        I'm trying to 100% wfh so I can move to Maine away from all the riff raff.
        All I need is good internet, a good grocery store, and isolation from criminals.

      • 1 month ago

        Didn't even mention LA?
        Idk what's going on in SF but surprisingly LA isn't that bad.
        Sure we've got more homeless than rats, but they're all pretty contained on skid row.
        I've parked on the sidewalk for hours in DTLA with valuables covered up inside and nothings ever happened.

      • 1 month ago

        Stay exactly where you are, libtard. You deserve it.

    • 1 month ago

      Frick off. We're full.

      • 1 month ago

        Not even close to being full

    • 1 month ago

      No. Anyone would make their home in Frisco is unwelcome in America. We don't need a strong southern border as much as we need to continue Californians and their shitty idealogy. OP should just OD on fentanyl quietly under an overpass somewhere as God intended.

  2. 1 month ago

    Especially if it's an expensive car.

  3. 1 month ago

    Leave the doors unlocked and keep nothing valuable inside the car
    t. Had my car broken into multiple times

    • 1 month ago

      What stops some druggie from getting into your car then?

      • 1 month ago

        One time I had my car broken into while it was parked in my building's 'secure' parking garage. I had my doors unlocked. They took a pair of $5 sunglasses and nothing else. A dozen other cars had their windows smashed. Better to just keep them unlocked.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >t. apologizes for cumming too quickly when raped.

      • 1 month ago

        Why would the rapist care about the victim cumming too quickly?

        • 1 month ago

          The least you can do when raping is making sure they cum. It's common decency.

          • 1 month ago

            Huh? I'm asking why would the rapist care about victim cumming too quickly

    • 1 month ago

      Even then they still smash windows. It's an automatic reflex for them, they aren't going to bother trying the door first. Happened multiple times to friends in SF.

      There's nothing you can do other than vote hard R (RepubliKKKunt) every time across the board. Then move out of SF.

      • 1 month ago

        >There's nothing you can do other than vote hard R (RepubliKKKunt) every time across the board.
        Good luck with that, any Republican who'd actually do anything about the problem can't even make it to the ballot and instead we just get social liberals with conservative economics, and even if you get past that the federal courts will just overturn anything you try to do, just like they did when California overwhelmingly voted against giving illegals free healthcare, schools, etc.

    • 1 month ago

      Even then they still smash windows. It's an automatic reflex for them, they aren't going to bother trying the door first. Happened multiple times to friends in SF.

      There's nothing you can do other than vote hard R (RepubliKKKunt) every time across the board. Then move out of SF.

      Not even my third world shithole is this bad, you need TND now

      • 1 month ago

        It's the spics

  4. 1 month ago

    >How do you protect your car from getting broken into if you work in San Francisco?

    Those expensive ass parking garages or uber to work

    • 1 month ago

      >Those expensive ass parking garages
      Yeah but what if you want to get groceries or go to a movie or go to the gym?
      You can't expect a garage everywhere.
      I think you just can't own a car in SF.
      Rest of the Bay Area, depends on location, but SF specifically, it's just a no go.

  5. 1 month ago

    lol frick cali

    • 1 month ago

      Too bad, it really is a beautiful place.

      Well ok, what about other big cities? Is it better in Seattle, Portland, San Diego, Austin? Where do I not have to worry about this shit

      No, no, yes, yes, Boston.

  6. 1 month ago

    You can get bulletproof glass windows, but that means if you're underwater you will die lmao.

  7. 1 month ago

    since you want to be a libshit Black person or are doing poor bait here's some solutions

    1. shoot the future astronaut TO DEATH after he breaks your window (important) and defend your property.
    2. get acrylic windows, those are resistant to the pocket "emergency breakers" with the piece of sharp ceramic that smashes through tempered glass with ease.
    3. keep a backpack full of the most vile shit that isn't obvious on smell until they open it.

    • 1 month ago

      What about other big cities, can you expect not to have this issue in Seattle, San Diego, Austin, etc?

  8. 1 month ago

    It’s just a window, relax

  9. 1 month ago

    live on the peninsula and take the train up

  10. 1 month ago

    Leave the windows down unless it’s raining.

  11. 1 month ago

    >Park near a bush
    >Hide in bush
    >Wait for person to come break into car
    >Catch them in the act, bludgeon them
    >Rinse and repeat over several weeks, get featured on the news as the car bandit beater
    >Nobody bothers your car ever again

    • 1 month ago

      install glass break sensors. rig the sensors to 500lbs of tannerite hidden under the seats.

      >get thrown in jail for assaulting people who "weren't a threat" and were just destroying your shit

      • 1 month ago

        Nobody gets arrested in sf, if you do you get like a $200 sig bond

      • 1 month ago

        get gun, wear balaclava, magdump anyone who tries to break into your car at night, use case catcher on gun, drive off after jogger is thoroughly ventilated, repeat until no more windows are smashed.

        • 1 month ago

          You don't need a case catcher, they know someone got shot with a pistol. Just wear gloves when loading and handling ammo to avoid fingerprints. Also, aftermarket glock(and glock type) barrels can be bought cash no ID and if you're not a klutz, can be swapped in 10 seconds. If you're a little bit clever it's a lot bit hard for the cops.

          • 1 month ago

            What teh purpose of swappin' bearholes?

          • 1 month ago

            >moronic question
            I'll be nice today, barrels leave unique marks on the bullets they fire, like a fingerprint

          • 1 month ago

            do american authorities poses a database of all barrels and marks they make on bullets?

          • 1 month ago

            No, when a dead Black person shows up in the hospital, they take the bullets out and send them to the cops
            If the zogbots suspect it's you shooting those Black folk, they take whatever guns they find with you and compare the guns to the fired bullets they have, if they get a match it's a strong piece of evidence against you

      • 1 month ago

        You have to shoot tannerite with a rifle for it to blow up you dumb Black person. Even a shotgun won't set it off.

        • 1 month ago

          What is a "blasting cap"?
          The tannerite isn't racist, it doesnt care what sets it off. Its just illegal to set it off without shooting it.

  12. 1 month ago

    There's plenty of protected garages in sf, stop being cheap

    • 1 month ago

      Near grocery stores?

      • 1 month ago

        Get a little metal cart like the chinese grandmas or park close and risk it

  13. 1 month ago

    buy the most ghetto looking legally sketchy clapped out car for the change you have in your pocket and drive round in that. bonus points is the police will always be near you making sure you have a real safe day.

  14. 1 month ago
  15. 1 month ago

    take someone with you on all trips and leave them to guard the car
    anything else is reactive

  16. 1 month ago

    They call it the Soup Kitchen.

  17. 1 month ago

    Dummy item that they would take with a hidden tracker/airtag. Track them down and kill them before they fence it or kill the fence. The fences buying the shit are the source for their profit so taking them out is better.

  18. 1 month ago

    >How do you protect your car from getting broken into if you work in San Francisco?

    Trunk Monkey.


  19. 1 month ago
    Greased Geese

    >shoot them from your front window
    >hurl gun into attic
    >light up a skunk and pass out in the living room
    the police will never suspect you because everyone else in the area is also high and passed out, including witnesses.

  20. 1 month ago

    next federal elections will fix this issue inshallah

  21. 1 month ago

    So what's the solution for grocery store parking? Can't have a garage there.

    • 1 month ago

      Again easy, don't live in a shithole (you live in a shithole)

      • 1 month ago

        is San Mateo good enough

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah. Those smash and grabs mostly happen in SF and Oakland. Mostly.

  22. 1 month ago

    Someone name some conservative states/cities with weather as good as California.

    • 1 month ago
      Greased Geese

      wildfire isnt a season

      • 1 month ago

        Tornado/hurricane/monsoon season is though

    • 1 month ago

      If you can't figure this out on your own, you don't deserve a better life. Or a car.

      • 1 month ago

        You sound like a flyover homosexual

    • 1 month ago

      Most all honestly, sweltering heat and torrential flooding is not a high bar to meet.

  23. 1 month ago

    Just park in a fricking garage, tard. Not a shitty one. Never drive your own car in town, that's what Ubers are for. Shopping in the city is for people who don't have cars. Use you car to drive to the grocery store in the burbs where food is half as much money and the cops will bash in the bums brains if they frick with cars in a parking lot. You can drive to somewhere nice on the weekend.

    • 1 month ago

      >buy a car
      >ride around in an uber
      What's the point then

  24. 1 month ago

    Car theft is a bigger problem. If you dare to bring a Benz or a Lexus into SF, it's going to be stolen asap

  25. 1 month ago

    whenever I go to SF, i exclusively do one of two things.
    >park in Japan town parking garage
    >park in a safe neighborhood 50 miles south and take public transit into the city
    the japantown garage is heavily guarded and one of the safest options in the city.
    if you live in SF, you should just do your shopping there, or use public transit.
    where I park is very overkill, you could park way out west somewhere and take a city bus over but caltrain just werks so idk.
    if you get a job in the city, you have to make sure your job has secure garaging, or allows you to store a bicycle securely at work

    • 1 month ago

      ^Confirmed intelligent and wise. Cars need not go everywhere and cities are not for driving.

      Is it true that aftermarket 2-way car security systems not popular in America?

      It certainly won’t save your car from robbery, but it can cause a lot of problems for the robber. Especially if you put on such a powerful siren that it will deafen him, lol

      Thieves are often skilled, but they also can just carjack instead. Smart auto enthusiasts don't live in cities or California where self-defense is illegal along with vehicle mods and fun of any heterosexual type.

      • 1 month ago

        >cities are not for driving
        my problem with this is that public transport tends to be full of people during peak hours, like typical job starting times, it's uncomfortable as frick

      • 1 month ago

        >where self-defense is illegal along

        • 1 month ago

          self defense cases are always dependent on local laws and the judge and due to bail reform and liberal judges they can’t stick up for victims that use self defense

          Well ok, what about other big cities? Is it better in Seattle, Portland, San Diego, Austin? Where do I not have to worry about this shit

          all major cities are fricked for crime i recommend moving to the suburbs where you can be surrounded by normal people and most jobs are in the suburbs that are also in city

    • 1 month ago

      On roads? Don't most drivers hate bicycles?

  26. 1 month ago

    Is it true that aftermarket 2-way car security systems not popular in America?

    It certainly won’t save your car from robbery, but it can cause a lot of problems for the robber. Especially if you put on such a powerful siren that it will deafen him, lol

  27. 1 month ago

    simple. shoot the theif and kill them. cut off their head and arms and legs. use barb wire to tie them to a wooden post. pound railway spikes into their body through a wooden sign that warns other future theives that they will get the same treatment.

    violence is the only language Black folk can read

  28. 1 month ago

    What happens if you leave a convertible with roof down on a street in SanFran?

  29. 1 month ago

    1. Leave San Francisco
    2. Move to a red state, Texas or Florida
    3. Vote blue no matter who
    Done. Problem solved.

    • 1 month ago

      You deserve torture

  30. 1 month ago

    Unironically we have to come to the realization that homeless drug users are a threat to public welfare and round them up. Forced detox, three strikes and you're out.

  31. 1 month ago

    Put a laptop bag full of explosive shit on your front seat, just put a few vacuum sealed bags of rancid human shit, and put a large M80 or non fragmenting charge next to it and when you unzip the zipper rig it so it sets off a 9v battery and a model rocket igniter.

    • 1 month ago

      They might open it in your car. I'd think a dummy safe with bobm inside would work better. Or just kill all the shitskin apes in your vicinity preemptively.

  32. 1 month ago

    Take BART, setting aside the break ins even, SF is a shitty place to drive.

    • 1 month ago

      Bart doesnt release CCTV footage anymore because it would cause "racism" id rather Sacrifice my shitbox to diversity than deal with a 40 underprivileged youths while im under the bay

  33. 1 month ago

    Get a shitbox for shithole cities.

  34. 1 month ago

    all these people answering along the lines of using firearms...
    valid, but California happily voted in some serious anti-gun laws so that's that

  35. 1 month ago

    >living in California

  36. 1 month ago


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