Why the FUCK is every car that I want always out of reach?

Why the FRICK is every car that I want always out of reach?
I was born in 1996 yet I will never experience buying an s chassis or a skyline and crashing it in a maccas drive through and not giving a frick cause its a shitbox that I paid $5k for.

I almost bought an R32 GTS-T 5spd for $15k a couple years ago. WHY didn't I go through with it. I really hope this fricking recession pops the bubble once and for all.

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >I was born in 1996
    Frick off moomer.

  2. 2 years ago

    the people born in 1986 have basically the same dream cars but they have had a 10 years advantage on you

  3. 2 years ago

    Neet here, I was born in a similar year(1995) and I have had plenty of time to make money if I really cared.
    What are you doing?

    • 2 years ago

      When I was tossing up buying that skyline, I bought a house instead, foolishly thinking that I'd surely be able to afford it within another year or two, and I could still have the experience of being in my mid twenties with a dumb shitbox turbo car.

      Like yea, cool, I have a house, but I've been driving a clapped out 323 protoge for the past 3 years and Im fricking over it

      • 2 years ago

        rip, especially since the houses have probably peaked around when you bought it, or soon. While the skyline will peak later.

        Well you can always get a fast native car, those are cheap. Or keep saving.

        • 2 years ago

          >especially since the houses have probably peaked around when you bought it, or soon
          moron take. The house is guaranteed to appreciate. Houses will never be cheaper than they are now.

          • 2 years ago

            Even real estate investors are saying the time to buy is over and you should wait for the bubble to burst. Enjoy holding the bag, moron.

          • 2 years ago

            >Houses will never be cheaper than they are now
            Now THAT is a grade-A fricking moron Black person take lmfao housing market's already going down kiddo

      • 2 years ago

        You might not think so but owning a house like you do was the better move. You have stability that can give you a fun garage in the future. I'm in the opposite boat and renting sucks dick

        • 2 years ago

          While this is true, by the time I have enough funds to buy the shit I want ICE will be banned probably. But yeah, from a purely financial perspective I made the better choice. Can't drive a townhouse though 🙁

    • 2 years ago

      Born a similar year (1997), and I'm currently working as a plumber. Recently bought a small house and a cheap truck that's as old as I am instead... Because I realized my two dream cars are out of reach for me and thought my own place of living was more important. Planning on buying land next.

      Probably won't obtain my dream cars until I'm in my 30s. I guess it'll be worth the wait.

      • 2 years ago

        The "I want it all I want it now" attitude is gay and cuck.

        30s for dream car is more than reasonable.

      • 2 years ago

        >buying a house now at 25
        Way to financially frick yourself early lol. I rented an apartment at 21 and bought my house and first car at 33 when I had good flow of money coming in. I’m 35 now and I’m glad I didn’t piss away all my money on a house then. Don’t think about buying land right now either, you’ll hate yourself if you do.

        • 2 years ago

          Here in Florida, it's significantly cheaper to buy a home than pay rent for more then 4 years.

        • 2 years ago

          >paying someone elses mortgage is better than paying off your own

      • 2 years ago

        Lol homosexuals I'm '98 and I just bought a mod engine mustang mustang for 6k

        Why the frick would I need a house when the only hope for me not fricking up my life is staying is sober living ($600/month rent) for the next few years at a minimum.

        Take the alcoholic pill and just do whatever the frick you want and clean up the wreckage later, preparing for "your future" means you think you can successfully bet against whatever God has in store for you.

    • 2 years ago

      1997 here. 98k debt from art school.

  4. 2 years ago

    I skipped on a 5 grand R32 Type M a decade ago, bought a turdgen 305 firebird instead, a turd it indeed was

    • 2 years ago

      >r32 a decade ago
      you mean before they were legal to import?

      • 2 years ago

        He's an Aussie, they were legal almost immediately for them IIRC.

      • 2 years ago

        Only to fricking burgers. Everyone else could enjoy them way before that.

  5. 2 years ago

    Yeah I know how you feel, I'm have a really hard time trying to justify spending 20k on a landcruiser that's older then me.
    >t. 97 gay

  6. 2 years ago

    You don't have enough money. The fact that you don't have this simple answer shows that you will never have enough money.

    • 2 years ago

      No shit I don't have enough money moron, that's not the point. When I was fresh outta highschool 6-7 years ago, I wanted an S15. S15s were about 15k at that time. They're now 50k. Not 20k, not 25k, 50k. Some are listed for frickin 70k (this is all aussie pricing btw). How was I supposed to know that the market would explode across the board? Sure some cars were always gonna rocket in value eventually, but even a clapped out s13 is still stupidly overpriced. Even if I DID have the money, its no longer worth it. That's the point I'm trying to make. Guys I know bought these things and drove them into the ground less than a decade ago, now people are willing to spend house deposits on a car that will get outpaced by a V6 2022 camry. Its the madness of the market I'm condeming, not my lack of funds.

      rip, especially since the houses have probably peaked around when you bought it, or soon. While the skyline will peak later.

      Well you can always get a fast native car, those are cheap. Or keep saving.

      Well, I got into the housing market at a good time fortunately, so I probably made the financially smarter decision, but sometimes the decision your brain makes doesn't give you the result your heart wants. That said if I got the car instead of the house I'd probably also be kicking myself, so I guess the grass is just always greener.

      • 2 years ago

        oh you are from down under, here in the states in my area the market has been hot since.... 2016 or so should peek soon.
        Yes the grass is always greener. If I were you I would just get a ford with a barra and run that.
        Or whatever is cheap.

        After realizing the grass is greener I look for value/performance deals and get those instead.

      • 2 years ago

        Also I cropped the price like a moron, its 30k

      • 2 years ago

        >this is all aussie pricing btw
        Isn't the Aussie dollar really low value though? Like everyone in Australia earns like $200k/year but it's pretty much the equivalent of making $60k USD/year in America, right?

        Given that that's the case, 50k peso dollars still seems fairly affordable.

        • 2 years ago

          uh, no, I have an entry level white collar job and I earn $53k per annum after taxes and super...

        • 2 years ago

          I miss the days of bragging when the AUS dollar was Worth more than the US dollar.

      • 2 years ago


        Frick its so bad down here bros, even if I were to settle for something like a Miata they still cost $15k

  7. 2 years ago

    supply and demand, those cars are disposable shitboxes, and the vast majority of them have been wrapped around poles.
    billions of morons were born in the 90's, and millions of them can afford le jdm hero cars they pined for as kids.
    Get an A to B shitbox like a sensible normal person and shut up.

    • 2 years ago

      >Get an A to B shitbox like a sensible normal person

      • 2 years ago

        yes. I drive a diesel Golf despite growing up on Gran Turismo.
        Performance cars are endless money pits which always result in death or abject poverty.

        • 2 years ago

          You know, just because you have a car to get from A to B doesn't mean you have to go to online forums/boards for cars

        • 2 years ago

          >Performance cars are endless money pits which always result in death or abject poverty.

          Only if you fall for the "muh performance mods" meme. Leave the engine stock or minimally modded with intake/exhaust. Cams, uprated turbos/superchargers, etc. are all a fricking quixotic waste of time. The factory upped the performance already, leave it the frick alone and enjoy it and become a better driver.

        • 2 years ago

          OP, none of the 90s heros are actually any good, and at this point are a huge huge fricking hassle to own, everything breaks constantly and there are no more parts.
          >t. (I still will never get rid of it tho)

          Low T, having fun is money well spent

          When I was tossing up buying that skyline, I bought a house instead, foolishly thinking that I'd surely be able to afford it within another year or two, and I could still have the experience of being in my mid twenties with a dumb shitbox turbo car.

          Like yea, cool, I have a house, but I've been driving a clapped out 323 protoge for the past 3 years and Im fricking over it

          >being in my mid twenties with a dumb shitbox turbo car.
          Your just looking at the wrong cars, it's still easy you just have to not be looking at whatever shits being flogged on tiktok
          >protip, unironically buy a Ford Fiesta ST, gumtree has one for $12k atm and they are faster than this
          >or, more ironically, import a turbo kei car. Will cost about $10k, rev to 10k, make crazy turbo noises, and be the most fun you will ever ever have. They are concentrated P plater in a shitbox energy and all my friends love mine

          • 2 years ago

            Or buy a mazda 6 MPS, AWD turbo manual, $12k

          • 2 years ago

            Or you could have bought a Honda City + a motocompo for 7 grand last week for maximum fun

          • 2 years ago

            Or here, cop a mitsubishi turbo awd wagon for 10k. 75% an evo for 1/5th the price

          • 2 years ago

            Or a Mitsubishi RVR Hyper Spot Gear, for 5k, which is literally an Evo minivan and would be based af for camping (a much nicer one sold on greys auctions 2 days ago for ~12k)

          • 2 years ago

            Or get a HSV Astra

          • 2 years ago

            Ok get a hectic turbo telstar

          • 2 years ago

            >wahhh but some of those are fwd
            Ok get a cool af ford laser turbo awd, the gearboxes only blow up sometimes

          • 2 years ago

            >wahhh but none of those are rwd
            Ok then get this fricking hectic Piazza with a fully forged engine on 20psi thats clean af

          • 2 years ago

            fuark I wish I could afford this. clean as.

    • 2 years ago

      >Get an A to B shitbox like a sensible normal person and shut up.
      go back

      • 2 years ago

        Poorgays don't deserve anything, seethe.

        • 2 years ago

          That's what they all say until we rebel and kill the rich.
          My gun will kill anyone, rich, poor, happy, sad.
          Just because you need to hoard money to live okay doesn't mean I do.

          • 2 years ago

            in your dreams, commie.
            In the end we will all be their raceless, low iq cattle

    • 2 years ago

      >Get an A to B shitbox like a sensible normal person and shut up.

      I have got an A to B shitbox and I fricking hate it. I want the experience of being an obnoxious c**t with a bro off valve blasting hardstyle techno from 2007. I know its stupid, but its what I grew up pining over and when I had the chance to dip my toes in, I passed up on it. Shit sucks man, you gotta give me that at least...

      oh you are from down under, here in the states in my area the market has been hot since.... 2016 or so should peek soon.
      Yes the grass is always greener. If I were you I would just get a ford with a barra and run that.
      Or whatever is cheap.

      After realizing the grass is greener I look for value/performance deals and get those instead.

      Yeah as time goes on I find myself looking more and more at domestics....ah well, maybe this recession might pull all the habibs putting STIs up for 40k down a couple of pegs

      • 2 years ago

        So buy a not iconic car. Of course the heros are expensive, everybody is familiar with them. Spend some time thinking about what you really enjoy about cars and find something that appeals specifically to you. Build a movie theatre room if your interest in cars doesn't go deeper than
        >Hurr I saw this one car in a movie

        • 2 years ago

          >Hurr I saw this one car in a movie
          Why the frick would I be on DA if that was the depth of my interest in cars?

          Even the non-hero cars are jacked up in price, that's my point... literally the only thing that didn't seem to change was toyota crowns, even the 1jz Athlete V has remained fairly stable, so I may end up just getting one of those

          • 2 years ago

            >Why the frick would I be on DA if that was the depth of my interest in cars?
            There are people here RIGHT NOW that hate cars.

    • 2 years ago

      >Get an A to B shitbox

      C4 and C5 Corvettes are still widely available in great shape for $7500-$20k depending on miles, condition, transmission, trim, and desperation of the seller. Why would you buy any JDM overboosted grenade for $20k+ when a fricking Corvette is an option?

      >bbb...bbbut that's a boomer car!
      OK, great, thanks for telling us your a gay, go buy a Prius and GTFO of the car hobby. Thanks.

      • 2 years ago

        still seething from yesterday eh?

  8. 2 years ago

    >inb4 wrenchlets
    Get a base model and swap something nice in.

    • 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    >I was born in 96
    Dude you've had about a decade to buy a car you wanted at a decent price (and accept that older millennials ruined the S chassis/skyline)
    t. 96er

  10. 2 years ago

    Born in the wrong timeline, junior. I was born in the early 80's and still wish I had been born 20 or 30 years prior. This country is going down the shitter.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, Boomers really did live the best timeline: Got rad 60's muscle cars for cheap as teenagers while they fricked easy women on the beach with no shitskins, then when the kids moved out of the house they got primo 90's cars right as street racing made a comeback and could teach "those damn kids" a lesson. Now, right before it all comes crashing down, they're slowly dying off so they don't have to see the absolute fever dream nightmare we're going to live through in the next couple of years if we even make it that long. Gas is going to keep going through the roof, which is going to make everything else go through the roof, while the SW US is about to run out of water, housing is ludicrously unaffordable, kids are being indoctrinated to be gays, the 3rd world is overrunning the entire country, etc. etc. Pic related, basically.

      • 2 years ago

        What you are describing is an economic system succumbing to its own internal contradictions. The end result will, when all is said and done, probably be a publicly owned economy that will manage resources better than the current one. But like the Steve Miller song says, you have to go through hell before you get to heaven.

        • 2 years ago

          >Communism will fix this

          • 2 years ago

            >Communut Media

  11. 2 years ago

    look into less desirable 00s and 10s cars that have potential
    g35s are still cheap
    mustangs are cheap as usual
    genesis coupes are forever cheap
    mazdaspeed 3 are cheap as long as they exist (they rapidly stop existing)
    if you are a lesbian, non-wrx subarus are cheap
    nc miata is fat and thus cheap (also not really fat)
    if you are euro, lots of wacky hatches from renault and the likes

    • 2 years ago

      G35s are honestly underrated right now. My dad had a G35 sedan and it was a solid car. It's hilarious that people will pay $30k for a 200hp "JDM Tyte yo!" 1991 Skyline but turn their nose up at a 2005 Skyline with almost 300hp.

      • 2 years ago

        i like the performance of g35s but wouldnt want to be seen dead in one
        those things are ugly as shit

  12. 2 years ago

    >15k for a gts-t years ago
    anon that was gtr money years ago, what the frick is wrong with you

    • 2 years ago

      I said a couple years ago, you could not buy an R32 GTR for 15k a couple years ago, GTRs always had a significant premium.

  13. 2 years ago

    Did I get israeliteed DA? 19900 euros, 2016 model, low mileage almost new tyres. The only red flag is that the car was at 42k khm in June 21 and when the dealer got it he fricked around for 7 months and the car went to 46k. Any red flags to this? I have the service history and it’s all good I even got it checked by a mechanic but I’m always paranoid because I payed in cash. Thoughts?

    • 2 years ago

      Can you help pls?

      • 2 years ago

        No, this is aussies talking about cheap turbo cars, not some euro homosexual buying some boring piece of shit

    • 2 years ago

      looks cool, ignore the bullyposter, he's having a bad day
      why would 4k driven by dealer be a bad thing? the employees probably drove it arouns for a bit maybe even hooned it a little, cars can't just sit on the lot forever, it's not healthy (i don't know if they actually do though)
      if it drives fine, don't worry about it
      enjoy your new low mileage sporty hatch

      • 2 years ago

        thanks anon i LOVE (You)

    • 2 years ago

      I think you actually did pretty well. Enjoy your new car and stop stressing

  14. 2 years ago

    The BMW e36 is rwd, manual and comes in a i4 amd an i6. They are still pretty damn cheap as I picked up a 320i for 2800 off a crack head a couple of months ago.

  15. 2 years ago

    Theres a million rwd nissan chassis with a vg35 or vg25. Your basically being a 30 year old boomer 20 years ago complaining he will never buy an HQ and all the vl shit is lebbo trash.

    Get with the times old man

  16. 2 years ago

    also I was born in 96 and spend 4 years in uni with a trash job still manged to own a ceffy with a 25det at pre bubble prices, quit complaining homie.

  17. 2 years ago

    I'm 15 years older than you. I crashed multiple s-chassis cars (one in a KFC drivethru while texting) before you were in kindergarten. I wish I'd kept some of the cars I owned back then. Like the R33 GTS-T I picked up for $2000 because the owner couldn't get it to start. Turned out it was out of petrol.

    • 2 years ago

      >I crashed multiple s-chassis cars (one in a KFC drivethru while texting)

      See now this......THIS is what the frick I'm talking about guys, this is the experience I want. Born too late I guess...

  18. 2 years ago

    Skylines are just Japanese falcons, Chasers are Japanese Commos. Why don't you support your own country and buy local? Instead of just buying into the weeb no displacement shitboxes. Turbos are just a hack to get a 4.0l

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        don't need handling for skids

  19. 2 years ago


    Astra is hilarious tho, it's pretty much a FWD muscle car. Way too much power for its chassis and brutal torque steer.

  20. 2 years ago

    It's not all bad. 80s and 90's hoonboxes are an almost guaranteed investment now. I never thought I'd see the day cars increase in value after you buy them.

  21. 2 years ago


    >Mazda Familia GTX, second day of owning it the fricking gearbox literally exploded
    lmao, that 100% checks out as true
    >it'll never match the aesthetic of picrel
    Yeah but, *beep beep ^^~ im a cute alto!*
    But srsly, an alto just came up for sale today, buy it

    • 2 years ago

      Thats fricking sick... I wish I could but I'm at the tail end of building my house and I'm pretty skint. There was one of these parked up around the corner from me for years and I fricking lusted after it every day. Super sick cars and absolutely a bucket list of mine

  22. 2 years ago

    Same but E46

  23. 2 years ago

    You will never have 2010 Japanese car prices.

    • 2 years ago

      Though AE86's were already overpriced by then.

  24. 2 years ago

    Better buy a VE or VF SS before they become unreachable instead of JDMeme

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